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与 curve 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Three operators, the transpositional, identical and forward differential, are introduced firstly. Then the Bezier curve in conventional Bernstein-Bezier form is transformed to its operator form. Several properties of the curve are discussed in its operator form.


Different from the routine trapeziform curve of frequency converting speed system, the motor's speed was adjusted according to exponential curve , and soft braking was realized by detent unit contained in the power module, enhancing the fluency and stability when running.


The population dynamic of Tsuga tchekiangensis in Wuyishan Nature Reserve was studied and its age structure, the life table, survival curve, mortality rate and killing power curve were analyzed.


The study covers the vertical displacement distribution character of each mode of Rayleigh wave, theoretical dispersion curve character of multi-modes Rayleigh wave and the characters of the max-mode Rayleigh wave dispersion curve in different layers structure, which are velocity increasing with deep, high velocity layer within underground, low velocity layers within undergroan and high velocity surface layer, within the depth of 15 meters.


The standard curve was constructed by using gene chip after the methylated and unmethylated DNA were mixed at different ratio. Then treated samples of U266 cells were dotted on gene chip, obtained results were compared with standard curve to get the quantitative results.


Any given oil well has a finite supply of oil, and the wells' production follows the shape of a bell curve. Extracting oil is cheap and easy on the curve's upslope but after the the well has peaked – the point at which half of the well's oil has been extracted – production becomes more difficult and expensive. The output of the well begins to decline and will never recover; production falls steadily and the cost to extract the oil rises.


It's a curve, but its a nasty, wiggly line that looks more like the trail of a worm on LSD than it does like any curve worthy of the name.


One is to understand the Spectral Characteristic Curve; the other is to satisfy the conditions of similar analogy, which means that the spectral characteristics are similar between the studied area and the area for collecting standard spectral curve as well as the area for analogizing.


This paper creatively engrafts elliptic curve encryption algorithm with fuzzy recognition theory, puts forward t-order iteration encryption and t-order iteration decryption algorithm of fuzzy recognition based on elliptic curve.


The loading method and the quantity of linker had greater effect on in-vitro release curve. Release curve of incubation-absorption and entrapping method had two phases—quick release phase and slow release phase. And the first phase lasted about one hour and released 70% drug.

载药方法和交联剂用量对释药曲线有显著影响,吸附法和包埋法制备的载药DSMs的释药曲线明显分为快速释药阶段和缓慢释药阶段,第一阶段持续约1 h,释放药物的70%左右。

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Dead Man's Curve
Dead Man's Curve
Down In The Park (Curve Mix)
Throw Me A Curve
Blind Curve
Curve Of The Earth
Curve In The Old 1-9
On The Curve
The Approaching Curve

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objective:to explore the expression of survivin protein and its mrna in rectal cancer and their clinic significance.


9She was a lively young woman with patience and imagination. A born teacher, she thought she could turn a deaf-blind person into a useful human being.(SBIII L65)Born means (10)The purpose of the fence is to keep out a type of wild dog called a "dingo".
