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与 curve 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The basic idea is as follows: first, a kind of plane α-B-spline interpolation curve with a shape control parameter a is constructed; then, by converting the first derivatives of the curve into Bernstein polynomial, the positive conditions of Bernstein polynomial can be used to get the necessary and sufficie nt conditions for the monotonicity of α-B-spline interpolation curves, i.e., the range of the parameter a. Therefore, monotone-preserving interpolating curves can be obtained succinctly.


Therefore, it has significance to optimize the demodulation curve. By the use of expansion of Bessel function and optical field overlapping method, the relation between the demodulation curve and the resonant frequency deviation was analyzed.


The main research results in this dissertation can be given as following:Firstly, the bidding strategies and affections of generation companies on the TOU power price are analyzed; Supply function model is employed to simulate the bidding strategies of generation companies in power pool. Some meaningful results are obtained through the proposed equilibrium equations model, when different bidding parameters are selected to maximize profit of suppliers, such as the the numeral of generation company, the block bidding, and power demand elasticity. Based on these results, the affections between the bidding strategies and the TOU power price are discussed.Secondly, the important principles consider the factor of bidding strategies of generation companies and consumers gaming strategies are proposed to constitute the new TOU power price model under present electricity market. Based on these pricinples a new mathematical model of TOU power price is constructed, to evade electricity market risk, partition the peak-valley, ascertain the consumers' response curve, and protect the ambilateral profits.Thirdly, the affections of the TOU power price strategies for reducing the network loss, adjusting node voltage, improving load curve of power system, and protecting the consumers' benefits in electricity market are analyzed with applications of a city real time load data of Jiangsu province.


Assuming a condition cont-rol reserve calculation,combimatively solve the material balance equation of gas recovery and binomial gas recovery equation for gas well,calculate the production curve of gas well and match it with the actual production curve,finally determine the reserve and productivity parameter,this method doesn't need much pressure build-up data,and can calculate the c...


If the profile curve has been denoted by a nonuniform rational quadratic B-spline curve, it is very convenient to represent the surface of revolution as a nonuniform rational biquadratic B-spline surface.


The velocity distribution curve by numerical computation near the wall is the same as the Blasius theoretical curve, and it approved that the numerical simulative solution is correct. Obtained the time dependent interface and pressure distribution, but also obtained the time dependent velocity distribution on the cross section. It is a new way to study the gas-liquid two-phase flow.


In proposed algorithm, the deformation of the image remains continuous and local by building the same outer boundary for test feature curve and reference feature curve.


Based on the analysis of the characteristics of the compensation directions for boundary curve s in rapid prototyping direct slicing, a new method, which can determinate the compensation direction by converting the boundary curve to beeline polygon,is proposed.


Besides common geometric measurements such as distances and angles,a new measurement of average curvature energy defined for boundary curve segment is included in the set to describe curve feature.


On the basis of study on hydrates phase equilibrium and the GHSZ affecting factors, the potential planar distribution of gas hydrates is determined by studying the temperature and pressure conditions in the sea bottom with different water depth, and the thickness of GHSZ is attained by solving the hydrates phase boundary curve equation and geothermal gradient curve equation.


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Dead Man's Curve
Dead Man's Curve
Down In The Park (Curve Mix)
Throw Me A Curve
Blind Curve
Curve Of The Earth
Curve In The Old 1-9
On The Curve
The Approaching Curve

Recall that, in the Kolmogorov axiomatization, measurable sets are the sets which have a probability or, in other words, the sets corresponding to yes/no questions that have a probabilistic answer.


The experimental results showed that the algorithm can filter singular points and remain fixity of the target edge.


It explains in detail how the methods of elicitation, discussion, and induction are to be used in the physics teaching.
