查询词典 curing agent
- 与 curing agent 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
Based upon the techniques, FAQ-master was developed to contain four agents, namely, Interface Agent, Proxy Agent, Answerer Agent, and Search Agent, which can effectively and efficiently improve the search result from the following three aspects of the Web search activity, namely, user intention, document processing,and website search.
本论文并勾勒出 FAQ-master 的四个主要组件,亦即介面代理人、代取代理人、答覆代理人与搜寻代理人的系统架构,祈能从使用者意图、网页文件处理与网站搜寻等三个观点,有效地改善网际网路搜寻的成果。
The Company is a professional supplier of food additives to operate near 2000 species of domestic and foreign food additives, acidity regulator, anticaking agents, defoamers, antioxidants, bleaching agent, leavening agent, coloring agent, color retention agent , emulsifier, enzyme preparation, stability coagulator, Tim flavor agents, thickeners, flavors and fragrances, such as 22 major categories of food additives; all kinds of milk powder, starch, protein powder, chocolate, cocoa powder, special-purpose flour, dairy, coffee powder, whole wheat flour, egg yolk powder, protein powder, whey powder and other food raw materials;¨mouth,¨bag,°, bread care, mold, eggbeater, baking tray, bake a variety of cups and other utensils packaging; catering special additives, and other seasonings.
In chemistry industry, Zinc Oxide is widely used as a catalyze agent and a decoke vulcanization agent, when composing carbinol it is use as a catalyze agent and when composing ammonia it is used as a decoke vulcanization agent.
The process of employing the degumming agent to remove clearcole and self-adhesive paper placed on the surface of plastics is that the degumming agent is heated to 40-60 DEG C, the plastics of which the adhesive is ready to be removed are mixed in the degumming agent for 10 minutes, enabling the contact between the adhesive and the degumming agent to achieve best degumming effect.
E.g.general agency,exclusive agency or sole agency and agency;a buying agent for importer,a del credere agent for merely transmitting orders,a home agent,and an overseas agent.
The main work and innovation of this dissertation are: 1. The network management domain-specific mobile agent system architecture and mobile agent model are proposed and described in details. The lifecycle of mobile agent is described by using state diagram. The layered security model is introduced. The mobility model is distinguished by the complete and partial one as well as the explicite mobility and implicite one. 2. Aimming at the complexity and heterogeneity of the network, the abstract network entity is presented and defined in details. The mobile agent is also classified and studied from the point of the mobile mechinisim along with the resposibility view. The NMBMA, which the main component is ANE, is put forward and described by using organizational, informationl, computational and implementary model. 3. The two architectures, NMBMA and Client/Server-based one, are compared and analyzed quantitatively and qualitatively. 4. The prototype based on the above NMBMA is designed and some examples are described in the prototype.
The method is realized by that polyether ether ketone is added into concentrated sulfuric acid to carry out sulfonation reaction, thereby obtaining sulfonated polyether ether ketone, then the sulfonated polyether ether ketone is dissolved in organic solvent, N, N (1)-Carbonyldiimidazole is added to stir for one to three hours, coupling agent is mixed for stirring the reaction for 1.5 to 4 hours, then inorganic crosslinking agent is mixed to react under the temperature of 50 to 80 DEG C. Proton conductors are mixed to continue getting the mixed solution of the sulfonated polyether ether ketone or the inorganic crosslinking agent or proton conductors under the temperature. Finally the proton exchange membrane for a direct methanol fuel cell is obtained by that the mixed solution of the sulfonated polyether ether ketone or the inorganic crosslinking agent or proton conductors is/are processed through membrane forming, drying and exuviation.
The doctrine of estoppel will operate either where the agent has no authority to represent another as his agent, but the person who is now treated as the principal has conferred all the indicia of an agency on him or alternatively, the agent may have a real authority to act for the principal, but latter is estoppeled by his conduct from denying to a third person that the agent has additional powers.
Based on the logic dependent relation and first-order logic, AND/OR graphs of single target with unit agent, and single target with multi-agent, joint targets with multi-agent were gotten respectively. As an example, single target with multi-agent was used to illustrate AO(superscript *) searching algorithm of logic dependent relations.
It's the ideal material of making high heat preservation material, microporosity heat preservation, heat preservation board, insulaion board, making-paper, cloth, rope, resistance of rub products and adsorbent, suspending agent, catalytic agent, thickening agent, decolourant, deodorant, carrying agent, etc. so it is a kind of non-metallic mineral which widely used in minmetals.
- 相关中文对照歌词
- Super Agent
- Agent Orange
- Secret Agent Man
- Secret Agent Man
- Love Uncompromised
- Symptom Finger
- Soul Agent
- A Clockwork Orange / Agent Orange
- Agent Orange
- Travelling With Charley
- 推荐网络例句
Customers of Intertek include some of the wld''s leading brs, maj global local companies.
The annual Ice Sculpture Festival in this town attracted all manner of people from all over the country.
This kind of description is in lack ofstrick classification and definition and is not indepth enough in delimitati-on.