查询词典 curing agent
- 与 curing agent 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
Our country ethylene diamine mainly uses in producing the agricultural chemicals (woods manganese zinc, dithane Z-78, generation of woods amine and pesticide, weed killer, disinfectant), the surface active agent (lives geminate stearic acid amide, alkyl imidazole lin, double amide, with oxirane, epoxypropane synthesizes non-ionic surface active agent), the epoxy resin firming agent (polyamide resins, epoxy firming agent, hydroxyethyl ethylene diamine and so on), the wash assistant (ethylene diamine four ethanoic acid and sodium salt series chelating agents), medicine raw material (aminophylline, washes must be peaceful, nose eye only, deinsectization spirit and so on), water treatment medicinal preparation (ethylene diamine four methylene phosphonates, second grade trunk base ethylidene two phosphine acids), corrosion inhibitor dye fixing agent, photography materialFixing bath and oil dope and so on.
The charge inducing agent included the positive charge inducing agent, negative charge inducing agent and the inactive liquid charge inducing agent.The experiments in gas-solids fluidized bed with the introduction of three kinds of charge inducing agent were designed and carried out.
In depth it is put forward to adopt multifold agent technology, including interface agent, mobile agent, heterogeneous agent and information agent technology so as to supply a new path for intelligent building.
In the 5th chapter, the application of Multi-Agent technology in Concurrent Engineering is studied. With the shaft strength and rigidness analyzing agent and gear strength analyzing agent as examples, an agent model is studied and provided. A federated multi-agent infrastructure based on product assembly model and multiple analyzing agents is suggested. By this, cooperation under distributed and heterogeneous environment and efficient information integration among mechanical geometry product modeling system, assembly modeling system and analyzing system can be realized.
In this thesis we introduce this theory into the traffic simulation of cloverleaf and provide a new method in research of the urban traffic simulation. In this system, we use the modeling method of multi-Agent to build the Road Agent, Vehicle Agent, Detector Agent, etc and also provide the intellective decision-making unit and communicate pipe for each Agent.
Usage: The large amount of morpholine are used to produce rubber promoter, such as NOBS, OTOS, and MDS, vulcanized agent, such as DT-DM, Cleaning agent, filth-killer, antirust, anti-buraing, antiseptic, actine agent of surface, priating and dyeing, optics bleaching agent, optics plating liguids, antioxidizer, hydrolyfic agent, initator, dereloper, keep fruito fresh, deodorant, polishing compousd and, organic solvent. So, it is widely used in chemiced.
吗啉大量应用于制造橡胶促进剂(如NOBS, OTOS,和MDS等)、硫化剂、清洁剂、除垢剂、防锈剂、防焦剂、防腐剂、表面活性剂、纺织印染助剂、光学漂白剂、化学镀液、抗氧化剂、水解剂、引发剂、显影剂、水果保鲜剂、除臭剂、光亮抛光剂以及有机溶剂等,是用途极广的化学品。
First, this paper introduces a process calculus, the pi-calculus, into the intelligent agent domain, and agent mental attitudes, agents and agent-based systems with dynamic characteristics, agent interactions, and agent cooperations are studied formally in the polyadic pi-calculus.
Aqueous film-forming foam concentrates ( also called light water foam concentrates ) is made up of hydrocarbon surface active agent, fluocarbon surface active agent, auxiliary agent, stabilizing agent, antifreeze agent, etc.
MAAIDS can optimize itself by a mobile agent named Improvement Agent. Improvement Agent roves and evaluates the performance of a Data Analysis Agent which the Improvement Agent is in its host.
Virtual teacher agent which involves assistant agent, monitor agent, evaluation agent, and administration agent is also described in WINCOL system.
- 相关中文对照歌词
- Super Agent
- Agent Orange
- Secret Agent Man
- Secret Agent Man
- Love Uncompromised
- Symptom Finger
- Soul Agent
- A Clockwork Orange / Agent Orange
- Agent Orange
- Travelling With Charley
- 推荐网络例句
Customers of Intertek include some of the wld''s leading brs, maj global local companies.
The annual Ice Sculpture Festival in this town attracted all manner of people from all over the country.
This kind of description is in lack ofstrick classification and definition and is not indepth enough in delimitati-on.