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An about 18-day test run has been finished and the veto efficiency of CsI crystal anti-Compton detector is about 31% and the event rate of background spectrum of HPGe detector is about 133cpd.
实验数据表明,CsI晶体探测器的反符合效率约为31%,HPGe探测器的本底计数率水平约为 133cpd。
In-vivo neutron and gamma spectra of depleted uranium sphere and vanadium sphere under central D-T neutron source were measured,with a 18 mm×20 mm stilbene crystal detector, at 7,10,13,16,19,22 cm away to the center in 45° direction in depleted-uranium sphrer, and 1.8,4.8,8.3 cm away to the center in the 0° direction in V sphere.
为获得介质内中子能谱及伴生γ能谱的实验数据,在中心D-T中子照射下,用18 mm×20 mm的茋闪烁体探测器,测量了与D+束成45°角的水平方向距球心7、10、13、16、19、22 cm位置处贫化铀球介质内的中子能谱和伴生γ能谱,以及钒球内与D+束成 0°角、距离球心1.8、4.8和8.3 cm处的中子能谱和伴生γ能谱。
The radiation imaging array solid detector includes flash crystal of cesium iodide or cadmium tungstate, photodiode coupled with the flash crystal and casing holding the flash crystal and the photodiode.
We used coupling phototube convert the voltage of reflector voltages of klystron linearly to lower voltage, and convert the lower voltages of standing wave measuring line and crystal detector inputting power linearly to higher voltages by operation amplifier. Then we inputted these voltages to computer by analog-to-digital card and plotted the graphs of working characteristics of reflecting klystron with software .
It includes: the selection of detector crystal, the design of geometrical dimension of the detector, the magnetic shield of detector, shield of fast neutron and thermal neutron, distribution of fast neutron in formation, the investigation depth of logging tools and the spacing.
Dark matter ; CsI(T1) crystal detector ; pulse shape discrimination ; internal background
暗物质; CsI探测器;脉冲形状甄别;内部本底
The authors used coupling phototube convert the voltage of reflector voltages of klystron linearly to lower voltage and converted the lower voltages of standing wave measuring line and crystal detector inputting power linearly to higher voltages by operation amplifier. Then inputted these voltages to computer by analog-to-digital card and plotted the graphs of working characteristics of reflecting klystron with software.
In the end of the paper, simulating the different energy gamma photons response through the nude NaI crystal detector and getting the response in 137Cs window from the different kinds of radionuclide, such as the response of 238U、 232Th、 40K and 137Cs itself in 137Cs window, getting the response in NaI multi-channel gamma spectrum from different nuclides.
It is composed of six parts: PCI Bus interface module, signal generator, signal adjustor, gain and phase detector, A/D conversion module and control and data process module. The system can measure the gain and phase curves of the crystal with the frequency range from 1MHz to 150 MHz. Crystal parameters can also be calculated, such as resonant frequency, series resistance, shunt capacitance, motion capacitance, motion inductance and Q factor, etc.
该测试卡以 IEC 444 标准为测量原理,由 PCI 总线接口模块、信号发生器、信号调理模块、增益相位检测电路、A/D 转换模块等部分组成,能够有效测量 1MHz~150 MHz 频率范围的晶振的增益与相位特性、串并联谐振频率、等效电阻、动态电容、动态电感、品质因数和负载频率等主要电参数。
The response of ultra fast photoconduction detector made of SI-LEC GaAs crystal was studied experimently. The response time to picoseconds pulse laser and sensitivity to 532 nm direct current laser were obtained for GaAs detector.
实验研究了具有极快响应的SI-LEC GaAs光电导辐射探测器的响应,测量它对皮秒级脉冲激光的时间响应及对532 nm直流激光的灵敏度。
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