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与 crimson 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

I know about the Ebony Stone. What kind of power does the Crimson Stone have?


Beauty's ensign yet is crimson in thy lips and in thy cheeks.


The mullioned windows and the twinkling lattices are all ablaze with the red glory; the fading light flickers upon the leaves of the limes in the long avenue, and changes the still fish-pond into a sheet of burnished copper; even into those dim recesses of briar and brushwood, amidst which the old well is hidden, the crimson brightness penetrates in fitful flashes, till the dank weeds and the rusty iron wheel and broken woodwork seem as if they were flecked with blood.


That lilac flower-like faint frivolous, haughty face, crimson's Zuier, covered with cardamom label.


Cut guys know that when they see a video of an uncut guy: the head expands and turns red and purple and the foreskin locks behind the head and turns crimson from blood flow, putting the ultimate stretch on the frenulum. That guy is experiencing feelings that the cut guy can never imagine.


Its crimson color is usually associated with power and courage that it brings gallantry to its possessor.


AfterMusashi defeats Great Crimson Gorger, Musashi returns to Antheum and


There was an old Greek Testament and the Eton Latin Grammar: a French pamphlet on the cavalry sword exercise; an odd volume of Tom Jones, with one half of its stiff leather cover hanging to it by a thread; Byron's Don Juan, printed in a murderous type, which must have been invented for the special advantage of oculists and opticians; and a fat book in a faded gilt and crimson cover.


The commander of flagship troops genuflected as the hatchway to the Regent's ship hissed up , spilling brilliant light against the soldier's crimson body armor .


He is seated on a milkwhite horse with long flowing crimson tail, richly caparisoned, with golden headstall.


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The Crimson
Crimson Day
Crimson Ship
Crimson Moon
Crimson Tears
Crimson And Clover
Behind The Crimson Door
Crimson And Clover
The Court Of The Crimson King
Crimson Ghost

We are in a real jam.


Hey, it's Ahmet from India, that foreign exchange guy.


Because you can make victims of a hypothetical, what is there for not matter.
