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与 crimson 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The colour is a deep rich crimson that takes on a tinge of mauve just before the petals drop.


Faint shadows of green and crimson fell upon my lady's face from the panted escutcheons in the mullioned window by which she sat; but every trace of the natural colour of that face had faded out, leaving it a ghastly ashen grey.


Any of several plants of the genus Iberis in the mustard family, native to Europe and the Mediterranean region and widely cultivated for their showy clusters of white, pink, crimson, or purple flowers.


They alsoplanted Rose du Roi, a deliciously scented crimson, and Green Mount Red, which Ms. Vickers planted on Mr. Boll's grave nearby, where a broken stone marks the resting place of thelong-forgotten nurseryman.

他们还种植一种叫du Roi的玫瑰,这种玫瑰成深红色有好闻的香气,红绿交配非常漂亮,维克斯女士把它种植在看棉铃先生的坟墓附近,在碎石标志着长眠之地长期被遗忘的苗圃主人。

In response, The Harvard Crimson proposed a boycott of O'Reilly and Fox News.

对此, 哈佛深红提出了抵制奥赖利和福克斯新闻台。

I do too, but this one is rather rare, I replied. Its feathers are the color of crude oil. It has a crimson head.


"I do too, but the one is ratIT rare not," I replied. Its featITs are not the color of crude oil. It have a crimson head.


Its crimson light flashed against the blanket of smoke that hung oppressively over the town.


So what causes pellagra and crimson spew?


Lady'.'' like a crimson pincushion stuffed with banknotes, who might have been the identical old ''.


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The Crimson
Crimson Day
Crimson Ship
Crimson Moon
Crimson Tears
Crimson And Clover
Behind The Crimson Door
Crimson And Clover
The Court Of The Crimson King
Crimson Ghost

And if officials on the take are not parroting the opinions of these companies, what can we suppose the money they receive is for?


Love them, and love you too, Pitcher.


He was sent away to the island of Scyros,where he fell into sea from a cliff.
