查询词典 credit and debt
- 与 credit and debt 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
Cash-strapped Americans are accumulating credit-card and other forms of debt.
The debt we are discussing here can be any type, ranging from credit card bills, medical bills, service charges, personal loans, and gas charge accounts to installment loans.
According to the officials, the large-scale, the company will take over operation of good corporate assets and liabilities have been closed, the extension of credit by the central government will also write off some debt manner.
To properly ring-fence the crisis, ministers should probably have acknowledged the need to restructure Greece's debt and worked to do so in an orderly fashion, all while extending unlimited liquidity and significant lines of credit to European economies threatened by contagion.
The advantages and disadvantages of students using credit cards and also analysis of debt accumulation by students.
This means understanding all your finances including income, expenses, debt and credit history and score.
Personal loans business buyers will need at least three types of risk protection: First, the protection of property suffered major accidents and natural disasters, the risk of collateral damage to housing and property insurance; Second, lenders regular credit life insurance, primarily in the repayment period lenders due to illness or accidental injury of incapacity or death circumstances, to ensure safe recovery of bank loans, loans to family members can continue to live; Third, the performance bond purchase mortgage insurance, mainly because of the death of a guarantor when , unemployment and other reasons can not afford repayment agreement, the insurance companies on behalf of liquidity to banks than debt recovery at the same time exercise the right to receive from the collateral to the policyholder to recover compensation or reparations.
Generally, the process of getting loans on the basis of the existence of different risk factors, personal loans purchase at least three types of business risk protection : First, the housing mortgage property insurance, the main victims of accidents and protect property damaged by natural disaster risks; Second, lenders regular credit life insurance, mainly in the loan owing on the loan period of injury as a result of illness or accident and incapacity or death of bank guarantee safe recovery loans to the families of those who continue to live; Third mortgage purchase insurance performance bond, mainly because when the guarantor of death, unemployment causes an inability owing on the loan, insurance companies on behalf of their debt to banks liquidated I, at the same time exercise the right to recover from the collateral, or to the insured recover compensation awards.
Bank sources told reporters that the key is in fact now unreasonable categories, personal loans purchase operations at least three risk protection : First, protect property suffered major accidents and natural disasters, the risk of collateral damage to housing property insurance; Second, lenders regular credit life insurance, mainly in the loan owing on the loan period of injury as a result of illness or accident and incapacity or death of bank guarantee safe recovery loans to the families of those who continue to live; Third mortgage purchase insurance performance bond, mainly because when the guarantor of death, unemployment causes an inability owing on the loan, insurance companies on behalf of their debt to banks liquidated I, at the same time exercise the right to recover from the collateral, or to the insured recover compensation awards; Now the market is the impact of policies, mostly property insurance, and lack of a man-made object of the life insurance products.
Personal loans business buyers will need at least three types of risk protection: First, housing and property mortgage insurance, the protection of property suffered major accidents and natural disasters, the risk of damage; Second Loan the regular credit life insurance, primarily in the loan repayment period, a result of illness or accidental injury and the incapacity or death, to ensure safe recovery of bank loans, loans to family members can continue to live; Third Mortgage purchase a performance bond insurance, mainly in when the guarantor because of death, causes of unemployment can not afford repayment agreement, the insurance companies on behalf of liquidity to banks than debt recovery at the same time exercise the right to receive from the collateral compensation or to the policyholders recover compensation.
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Fancy gold-plated dangling earrings with facetted White Opal crystals.
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In measurements of a day,generallyspeaking,the photosynthesis of birch in mesophytic habitat is better than that in xerophytichabitat(peak values are 12.8,10.33μmolCO2m-2s-1 respectively);that of sexual birch inmesophytic habitat is better than that of clone birch(peak values are 9.87,6.71μmolCO2m-2s-1respectively);that of young tree is better than that of seedling(peak values are12.37,10.05μmolCO2m-2s-1 respectively).