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court decision相关的网络例句

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与 court decision 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Originally enacted in 1980, the new Israeli Community Long Term Clare Act was proclaimed in 1988 as part of the national social security legislation, More ecifically, in a case that only recently came under the scrutiny of Israel's Supreme Court, the A ociation of Civil Rights in Israel challenged the legality of the practice and regulatio of the adult guardia hip regime and is awaiting the Court's final decision.


Originally enacted in 1980, the new Israeli Community Long Term Clare Act was proclaimed in 1988 as part of the national social security legislation, More specifically, in a case that only recently came under the scrutiny of Israel's Supreme Court, the Association of Civil Rights in Israel challenged the legality of the practice and regulations of the adult guardianship regime and is awaiting the Court's final decision.


Some Chinese fans are disturbed by Sakai's arrest (she has been released on bail and appeared in court earlier this month; prosecutors are reportedly seeking a sentence of a year and a half in prison, and the court is expected to hand down a decision next month).


If dissatisfied with the decision of a court of appeals, the party may seek additional review in the Supreme Court of the United States


Its business is to decide for itself ,as a court of second instance ,and its decision replaces the first instance decision for all purposes.


That was the reversal by a court of appeals of a Federal Power Commission decision to grant a license for a Consolidated Edison power plant at Storm King Mountain on the Hudson River in New York .The court ordered new proceedings that were to "include as a basic concern the preservation of natural beauty and of national historic shrines."

那就是一家上诉法庭驳回了联邦电力协会的决定,那决定同意为纽约的 hudson 河畔的 storm king 山的爱迪生联合电厂颁发执照,法院安排新的审理,那包括把自然景观和民族历史名胜的保护作为基本原则。

The case attracted a lot of interest, not least because one of the judges on the appeals-court panel that saw its previous decision in the lawsuit overturned was Sonia Sotomayor, Barack Obama's nominee to the top court.


The case attracted a lot of interest, not least because one of the judges on the appeals-court panel that saw its previous decision in the lawsuit overturned was Sonia Sotomayor, Barack Obama's nominee to the top court.

本案吸引了众多关注,其中原因之一是下一级的申诉法院作出的决定此次被最高法院推翻,而申诉法院的法官中包括了Sonia Sotomayor。

If the party concerned does not accept the decision, it may bring a suit in the peoples court within 30 days from the date of receipt of the decision.


Morning Newspaper reported that from 1983s, Qingdao Yellow Sea Rubber Group has owed Qingdao No.1 Group Co. LTD more than 37million RMB. In 2007, the court made that decision, but Qingdao Yellow Sea Rubber Group still didn't pay their debt. So Qingdao No.1 Group Co. LTD applied to Qingdao Intermediate People's court to enforce Qingdao Yellow Sea Rubber Group to pay their debt.

早报讯 从上个世纪80年代开始,青岛黄海橡胶集团有限责任公司累计拖欠青岛一建集团有限公司工程款本金加利息共3700多万元,2007年经法院判决后,黄海橡胶集团有限责任公司一直没有偿还欠款,青岛一建集团有限公司向市中级人民法院申请强制执行。

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This paper discusses design and realizable methods of remote test output interface from logical design angle.


This also 星体投射plies to buildings, structures and geological features.


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