英语人>网络例句>court decision 相关的网络例句
court decision相关的网络例句

查询词典 court decision

与 court decision 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

On one side, the Supreme Court confirmed the decision of the District Court of declaring the studios guilty of restraint in trade through the use of block booking, banning block booking and providing that all films should be sold in an individual basis from that moment on.


In the latter event the parties are restored to the position in which they were before the defective decision was made;questions left outstanding must be resolved in another court,and that court must reach its own decision unfettered by anything that may have been said on cassation,even with regard to the correct interpretation of the law.


In our judicial procedure, if a party concerned contests the court's decision of first instance, he may file and appeal to the court at the next higher level.


Following the decision of the US Court of Appeals for the Federeal Circuit in Markman –v- Westview Instruments (upheld by the U.S. Supreme Court) US Court practice is to have a pre-trial "Markman" hearing before a judge to determine claim construction.

根据美国联邦巡回上诉法院案例法Markman –v- Westview Instruments,在法官决定对所主张权利的定义前,美国法院实务中有审判前的马克曼听证会制度。

During our discussion, we may find out the problem of its operation. Currently, our nation's operation is based on Judicial Yuan's Meeting on February 7 , 2002 for the nationwide court's chief and Forum on judicial business, as well as Taiwan's Superior Court's criminal chief judge's decision on April 25, 2002, and also Ministry of Justice's No. 910800949 attached letter of March 7, 2002—A reference principle for prosecutors' institution to manage affairs corresponding to the modification of partial criminal litigation act. Currently, the entire operation of setting for trial goes smoothly. The most important part is Chapter Six, whose point of view is from the aspect of practical operation. And it amasses the information about the decision of setting for trial from twenty-one local courts nationwide. This chapter will explore the effect of its concrete operation and analyze it synthetically with statistics.


With respect to a criminal offender who was sentenced to death with a two-year suspension of execution, if he commits no new crime during the period of suspension and the punishment therefor shall be extenuated after the period of suspension expires, the executing organ shall submit a written recommendation to the high people's court for decision; if he commits new crime which has been ascertained and the death sentence thus should be executed, the high people's court shall submit it to the Supreme People's Court for approval.


Only the original court that issued the decision or a higher court normally repudiates an original decision .


In most cases, when an appellate court makes a decision it not only decides who wins the specific case, but also provides a detailed written opinion that explains the basis for the court's decision to guide lower courts in handling future cases.


Forty-third section of the Trademark Review and Adjudication Board to make a decision, ruled that an appeal against a people's court, the people's court remand the case decision, Trademark Review and Adjudication Board shall be composed of re-assessment of the collegial group.


If a party disagrees with this handling decision, it may bring a suit before a people's court within 15 days from the day of receiving the notification of handlings according to the Administrative Procedure Law of the People's Republic of China; if, at the expiration of such a period, the infringer has neither brought a lawsuit nor performed the decision after the period expires, the administrative department may apply to the people's court for compulsory enforcement of its order.


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