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与 couples 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Certain of the varying prayers of the Hispano-Gallican Rite have a tendency to fall into couples, a Bidding Prayer, or invitation to pray, sometimes of considerable length and often partaking of the nature of a homily, addressed to the congregation, and a collect embodying the suggestions of the Bidding Prayer, addressed to God.


It is funny.-I'm preoccupied because Biff and I are going into couples' therapy...


So binational couples in New York who want to end their marriage may find themselves unable to do it there, and squabbling about alternatives.


Married couples will blow hot and cold and quarrels are easily aroused.


Is there a bodiless promise between people,between friends,relatives,couples,sweetie ,boss and underling?


Research by Wendy Manning of Bowling Green State University and others shows that unmarried Mexican-American couples who have children while living together are slightly more likely to break up than are blacks or whites in similar circumstances.

鲍灵格林大学的Wendy Manning和其他人研究表明同居并未婚生育的墨西哥裔美国情侣相比同等情况下的黑人或者白人来,分手的几率更大一些。

Brawl between many couples is one of the problems in this apartment .


Brawl between many couples is one of the problems in this apartment.


One factor is that women are shouldering a larger breadwinning role at home, either by necessity or choice; females in dual-earner couples now provide an average 44% of household income, up from 39% in 1997, the study says.


The findings suggest that the popularity of overwork may lead many dual-earner couples to return to a traditional family pattern — breadwinning men and homemaking women.


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Happy Loving Couples
What New York Couples Fight About

Prima rily, the prime crimina l's crime has nothing to do with lime and overtime.


Some would fail and some would prosper,some would die and some would kill,some would thank the Lord for their deliverance, and some would curse John Sutter's Mill.


The origin of multicellular forms of life seems a relatively simple step compared to the origin of life itself.
