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与 couples 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Sen. Obama would raise the top two tax rates to 36% from 33% for married couples with taxable income of more than $200,300, and to 39.6% from 35% for those couples with taxable income of more than $357,000, says Leonard Burman, director of the nonpartisan Tax Policy Center, a Washington think tank.


The results of the study indicated that spouses in the suppressor couples were five times as likely to die than in expresser couples.


It is one of the commonest phenomenon which we all discover that the couples of cross-cultural marriage face langrage barriers, stereotypes, culture shock; that if remembering makes them fight less, they shall frequently encounter all sides of the emotional spectrum: elation, excitement, passion and frustration, fear and stress; that the difficulties of cross-cultural marriage may appear immense, but they are not unfeasible, so that there are heavy odds in favor of most cross-cultural marriages between "true love", these couples work hard to overcome their differences because they know the meaning of happiness:"God gave me the best husband/wife ever, I am incredibly blessed to have met him/her."


Every Saturday night at 7:30 p.m. couples are invited to gather at the Veranda stage in the Banyan Courtyard to renew their wedding vows. Participants receive fresh flower leis, which they lovingly present to each other during the ceremony. Following the vow renewals, couples dance to the Hawaiian Wedding Song—made famous by the Elvis Presley hit movie,"Blue Hawaii"—as they express the rededication of their lives and their love to one another.


Objective:To investigate the relationship between self-generating abortion couples and abnormal chromosome which have been inspected in the 240 couples.


Some couples are always under dispute, which result in the couples' feelings to the brink of breakdown.


"There is something distinctly unfair about the state recognizing the right of same-sex couples to raise natural and adopted children and placing foster children with those couples," Justice Albin said, and yet denying those children the financial and social benefits and privileges available to children in heterosexual households.

& 法官Albin说到:&假如一个州虽然准许同性恋伴侣可以抚养一方的孩子或者是抚养领养的孩子,但是却不给予这些孩子同普通夫妻生养的孩子一样的经济与社会权利,显然对于这些孩子是不公平的。

"Overall, our findings are reassuring for users of natural family planning, for couples who have intercourse episodically, or for couples who have intercourse infrequently of their own volition for health or other reasons," the authors write.


"Overall, our findings are reassuring for users of natural family planning, for couples who have intercourse episodically, or for couples who have intercourse infrequently of their own volition for health or other reasons," the authors write.


The lift unit includes a nacelle and a tailboom, and pivotally couples to the first end of the suspension structure, and a payload unit couples to the structure's second end.


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Happy Loving Couples
What New York Couples Fight About

Prima rily, the prime crimina l's crime has nothing to do with lime and overtime.


Some would fail and some would prosper,some would die and some would kill,some would thank the Lord for their deliverance, and some would curse John Sutter's Mill.


The origin of multicellular forms of life seems a relatively simple step compared to the origin of life itself.
