英语人>网络例句>cotton print 相关的网络例句
cotton print相关的网络例句

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与 cotton print 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Bobbins of thread in various colors, needles of various sizes, beautiful pieces of cotton print, scissors, rulers…and several cups of coffee sending forth a good smell, several females are creating their own needlework stitch b y stitch.


Bobbins of thread in various colors, needles of various si zes, beautiful pieces of cotton print, scissors, rulers…and several cups of coffee sending forth a good smell, several females are creating their own needlework stitch by stitch.


Bobbins of thread in various colors, needles of various sizes, beautiful pieces of cotton print, scissors, rulers…and several cups of co ff ee sending forth a good smell, several females are creating their own needlework stitch by stitch.


So, I person a lly m a de one with disc a rded pieces of cotton print, multicolor p a per a nd l a ce.


Bobbins of thread in various colors, needles of various sizes, beautiful pieces of cotton print, scissors, rulers…and several cups of coffee sending forth a good s m ell, several fe m ales are creating their own needlework stitch by stitch.


Bobbins of thread in various colors, needles of various sizes, beauti fu l pieces of cotton print, scissors, rulers…and several cups of coffee sending forth a good smell, several females are creating their own needlework stitch by stitch.


The chief buiness items include Cotton Print,Decorative cloth,Chemical Fiber and industrial cloth.


Pieces cotton print 428 at US$150 per metre CIF New York, including your commission of 2% A sample is enclosed for your reference.


In return for his cash, Toad received a cotton print gown, an apron, a shawl, and a rusty black bonnet; the only stipulation the old lady made being that she should be gagged and bound and dumped down in a corner.


The aim of the company is to serve commodity circulation,vatilize markets and meet the needs of customs.Wholesale,retail and free distribution form the feature of the company.It is known as "Cotton Print No.1" in Shanghai.


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It seems likely that Kraft will return with a better offer.


But he'd rather burn off my feelers and watch me squirm.


He consistance of the population dissociation coefficient method andthe sample dissociation coefficient method for the calculation of structural reliabilityin solid rocket motors was reviewed.
