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Topical corticosteroids are beneficial een if the foreskin is inoled with balanitis xerotica obliterans.


In the 188 patients with extensive bullous pemphigoid,topical corticosteroids were superior to oral prednisone (p=0.02), with one-year survival rate 76% vs. 58%, disease control at three weeks 99% vs. 91%, and severe complication rate 29% vs.


Background: Subepithelial hypervascularity and angiogenesis in the airways are part of structural remodelling of the airway wall in asthma, but the effects of inhaled corticosteroids on these have not been explored.


Results The anesthesia range was narrowed and anesthesia duration was shortened with the prolongation of epidural catheter placement,Epidural roentgenography showed that the medium diffused normally within epidural space,biopsy of epidural tissues showed that there were inflammative cells infiltration and fiber proliferation with longer epidural catheter placement(more than 4 weeks),without significant differences between both groups.Conclusion Epidural corticosteroids can not prevent epidural adhesion from occurrance induced with long-term epidural catheter placement.

结果 随着硬膜外腔置管时间延长,麻醉阻滞范围变窄,麻醉阻滞时间也明显缩短,两组之间没有明显区别;硬膜外腔造影显示:造影剂在硬膜外腔扩散良好,无明显受阻;组织学检查显示:置管时间长(4周以上)的动物,硬膜外组织炎细胞浸润、纤维组织增生、硬膜增厚,而且随置管时间延长,这&种变化更&加显著,但两组之间没有明显区别。

Degree of osteonecrosis was associated with amount of intravenous use of exogenous corticosteroids.


However, 64.7%of the patients in the papulosquamous group had moderate to severe lupus nephritis, which required higher dose of corticosteroids or immunosuppressive agents to control.


Feb. 4, 2002 -- People with bullous pemphigoid no longer need to endure the potential side effects of oral corticosteroids, based on a French study reported in the Jan. 31 issue of The New England Journal of Medicine .

2002年2月4日──1月31日《The New England Journal of Medicine》杂志上发表的一篇法国的研究报道,患有大水疱性类天疱疮的患者,不必再忍受口服皮质肾上腺类脂醇所可能导致的副作用。

"Topical corticosteroid therapy is effective forboth moderate and severe bullous pemphigoid and is superiorto oral corticosteroid therapy for extensive disease," write Pascal Joly, MD, PhD, from the University of Rouen in France, and colleagues."Topical corticosteroids should be considered the standard treatment for patients with extensive bullous pemphigoid."

外用皮质肾上腺类脂醇治疗对於中度及严重大水疱性类天疱疮都很有效,对於广泛性大水疱性类天疱疮,其效果优於口服皮质肾上腺类脂醇,」法国鲁昂大学的Pascal Joly医师,PhD及其同事写道:「应该考虑将外用皮质肾上腺类脂醇作为广泛性大水疱性类天疱疮治疗的黄金标准。

In a randomized, multicenter trial, 341 patients with moderate or extensive bullous pemphigoid received large doses of high-potency topical corticosteroids -- either topical clobetasolpropionate cream (40 g per day) or oral prednisone (0.5 mg perkilogram of body weight per day for those with moderate diseaseand 1 mg/kg/day for those with extensive disease)-- applied over their entire body.

在此次追踪多中心的试验中,341位中度或广泛性大水疱性类天疱疮患者接受大剂量较强外用皮质肾上腺类脂醇全身治疗──使用外用clobetasol propionate乳剂(40g/日)或者口服prednisone(中度患者0.5mg/千克体重/日,重度患者1mg/千克体重/日)。

Phencyclidine and corticosteroids induce apoptosis of a subpopulation of striatal neurons : a neural substrate for psychosis ?


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