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与 corticosteroid 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Those at the top come from a patient with adrenal atrophy (with either Addison's disease or long-term corticosteroid therapy).

位于上方的一对为来自肾上腺萎缩患者的肾上腺(可能是由于 Addison's 病或是经长期的类固醇激素治疗引起)。

Objective:To investigate the therapeutic effect of inhaled corticosteroid combined with longacting β2 agonist on patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.


In a patient with suspected giant-cell arteritis and impending visual loss, immediate corticosteroid therapy is indicated.


Objective: To study the effect of corticosteroid inhalation and acupoint sticking on immune function in asthmatic children.


Occasionally, fluid may have to be drained from the bursitis, and ananti-inflammatory corticosteroid injection given.


Because corticosteroid can modify the immunological process which is considered the major mechanism involved in AHS, it is used to treat AHS clinically. However, corticosteroid therapy may have deleterious effect (e.g., delayed healing of cutaneous lesions, infections, prolonged hospital stay). Therefore, the use of corticosteroids for AHS remains controversial. We reported a 54-year-old man who had underlying diabetes mellitus with chronic renal insufficiency, hypertension and hyperlipidemia. Allopurinol 100mg twice a day was initiated one month prior to admission. After taking the drug for 24 days, he developed a generalized mild itchy eruption on the trunk and upper extremities followed by chillness, fever, ocular discomfort and painful oral ulcer over one-week period and was admitted to the hospital. A skin biopsy revealed changes consistent with Stevens-Johnson syndrome.

本文报告一位54岁的男性患者,有高血压、高血脂、糖尿病及慢性肾脏功能不全的病史,最近发现有高尿酸血症(11.1mg/dL)而开始服用Allopurinol,在服用24日后,因为逐渐发生皮肤红疹搔痒、口腔溃疡、发烧、畏寒以及眼睛不适,一周之后到医院就医,经诊断为服用Allopurinol所造成之史帝文森-强生症候群(Stevens-Johnson syndrome),因而在皮肤科住院接受治疗,由於病人有高血压、高血脂及糖尿病,所以入院后仅以支持疗法,并未给予全身性类固醇,然而病人之病况恶化,并有肾功能恶化,因而於住院两日后,转进肾脏科病房,在使用全身性类固醇治疗之后,病况持续改善,并在2周后出院。

Results No any changes on fragrant pig skin in low and middle corticosteroid using group; but on skin of strong and super strong corticosteroid using group, macule and pigmentation appeared after 50 days of spreading.


Results No any changes on fragrant pig skin in low and middle corticosteroid using group but on skin of strong and super strong corticosteroid using group , macule and pigmentation appeared after 50 days of spreading .


Objective To study the curative effect of different blue print on corticosteroid-dependent dermitis,and to look for an effective treatment for the disease.Methods Compared four methods among corticosteroid degression method,applied and took orally Chinese traditional medicine,applied contra-sensitive toiletry and took orally Chinese traditional medicine or antihistamine in 121 cases.

目的 研究不同的治疗方法对激素依赖性皮炎的疗效,探讨治疗该病的有效方案方法共121例患者,采用激素递减法、中药内服外敷法、抗过敏护肤品分别加服中药或抗组胺药4 方法进行治疗,比较症状体征改善情况。

"Topical corticosteroid therapy is effective forboth moderate and severe bullous pemphigoid and is superiorto oral corticosteroid therapy for extensive disease," write Pascal Joly, MD, PhD, from the University of Rouen in France, and colleagues."Topical corticosteroids should be considered the standard treatment for patients with extensive bullous pemphigoid."

外用皮质肾上腺类脂醇治疗对於中度及严重大水疱性类天疱疮都很有效,对於广泛性大水疱性类天疱疮,其效果优於口服皮质肾上腺类脂醇,」法国鲁昂大学的Pascal Joly医师,PhD及其同事写道:「应该考虑将外用皮质肾上腺类脂醇作为广泛性大水疱性类天疱疮治疗的黄金标准。

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St. Nicholas became the patron saint of Russia, where he was famous for his red cape, flowing white beard, and bishop's mitre.


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