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与 corticospinal 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Objective: To explore the effect of manganese-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging and the fluorescent-tracer DiI on tracing rat corticospinal tract.

目的:验证Mn(上标 2+)增强磁共振技术与DiI荧光示踪技术对于大鼠皮质脊髓束的追踪效果,并对两种方法进行比较评价。

High signal intensity in the lateral part, which corresponded to the lateral corticospinal tract of the cervical spinal cord was seen on T2 weighted images in 7 patients (cases 1, 2, 4, 6 and 11-13)(Fig.3 b).


Combining spatial facilitation with a TES protocol improved monitoring of corticospinal motor pathways during spinal surgery in children.


Of the other 16 patients with ALS whose upper motor neurone signs were not so manifest (cases 6-21), high signal was seen in the corticospinal tract on T2-weighted images was seen in 11 (cases 6-12, 16-18 and 21); five (cases 6, 7, 11, 12 and 16) of these also showed high signal on the PD-weighted images.


Further study is required to establish whether the high signal intensity in the intracranial corticospinal tract on T1 weighted images correlates with the severity of the upper motor neurone


The findings suggest that examining the corticospinal tract of the brain and spinal cord with conventional T1-, PD- and T2-weighted images, and also serially, may be useful in the diagnosis of ALS.


By setting two ROI, the main spinal cord fiber tracts, such as corticospinal or spinothalamic tract, were visualized.

结果 在DTT彩色编码图上,正常脊髓纤维束为头尾向的一束,显示了头尾侧的各向异性。

Combining spatial facilitation with a TES protocol improed monitoring of corticospinal motor pathways during spinal surgery in children.


High signal on T1 weighted images in the intracranial corticospinal tract may be specific for ALS and may correlate with the severity of the upper motor neurone lesions.


DTI technique can clearly display the compression,breaks and destruction of condition of corticospinal tracts;there is close relationship between locations and sizes of specific impairment and rehabilitation level and mechanism of nerve function.


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