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The results of functional magnetic resonance: N-acetyl-aspartic acid, choline and creatine in left temporal lobe and anterior part of frontal lobe decreased more obviously and regional cerebral blood volume and regional cerebral blood flow in these areas decreased,while average pass time and peak time of the contrast medium in these areas slightly increased as compared with those in the conitralateral areas; fraction of anisotropy values and the tracked fasciculus in left corticospinal tract decreased, and the connecting fibers between Broca and Wernicke areas also decreased as compared with those in the contralateral area.


These DSs were first observed at 9 weeks in the distal part of ascending fibers that consist of gracile fasciculus and cerebellospinal-gracile nucleus and white matter of cerebellum. They extend along medulla oblongate to medulla cervix、medulla thorax、medulla lumbalis in accordance with dying-back type degeneration. The corticospinal tract were affected at 18 weeks,and thalamus、the olfactory pathway、the visal pathway、the auditory pathway were affected at 32 weeks.


Injury to the corticospinal tract, which has facilatory influence on motor neurons in the spinal cord, causes the "negative" manifestations including muscle weakness, fatigability, and decreased dexterity (Rossi, 1994). These features are the major determinant of motor disability associated with upper motor neuron lesions.


Results: Current of 1 mA, 210 s could cause necrosis and cavitation in the dorsal funiculus, resulting in bilateral corticospinal tract injury; rats with electrolytic lesions exhibited declined motor function with decreased Tarlov score, increased Ashworth score and reduced inclined plane angle, the HRP labeled neuron counts in motor cortex were also significantly lower in the lesioned group than sham-operation group.

结果:1 mA, 210 s的损伤电流,可在脊髓后索造成神经组织坏死,形成空腔,使双侧皮质脊髓束纤维受损;术后1周、2周、3周观察,电损毁组大鼠运动功能显著低于假手术组,表现为后肢运动评分下降,Ashworth 肌张力评分增大,斜板实验角度下降;电损毁组运动皮质标记神经元计数也显著低于假手术组。

Lesion was made by current of 1mA, 210s in the dorsal funiculus at the 10th thoracic vertebral level. Behavioral and histological evaluation, HRP and fast blue retrograde labelling method were employed. The eletrolytic current caused bilateral corticospinal tract injury and incomplete paraplegia in hind limbs, and led to a substantial atrophy of corticospinal motoneurons , serving as a reproducible and practical model for research on SCI.


The distribution of PKCγ in medulla oblongata and white matter of the spinal cord in adult rats are correspondent with the position and course of the rat corticospinal tract.


Methods 15 patients with clinically and biochemically proved ALD were reviewed retrospectively to determine the frequency of corticospinal tract involvement in the corona radiata,internal capsules,mesencephalon,pons and medulla.

回顾性分析经临床和生化证实的ALD病例共 15例,观察皮质脊髓束受累的情况,同时对照分析 14例其它脑白质病的皮质脊髓束受累的情况。

When located posteriorly at the MDJ, lesions tended to continue downward along the pontine tegmentum and superior cerebellar peduncle, whereas the corticospinal tract was the structure affected in more anteriorly located lesions.


When located posteriorly at the MDJ, lesions tendedto continue downward along the pontine tegmentum and superiorcerebellar peduncle, whereas the corticospinal tract was thestructure affected in more anteriorly located lesions.


The vision of motor area and the relationship between corticospinal tract and tumor could provide the important functional anatomy basis to formulate pre-operative program,resect the tumor and protect the motor area and corticospinal tract as much as possible.


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