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Results There existed decreasing learning and memory function, increasing MAO-B activity from the cortex, hippocampus, and strium, elevating brain iron and aluminum levels with diminishing ferritin level, and karyopyknosis as well as neuron loss of hippocampus in the model mice.

结果 模型组小鼠学习记忆能力明显下降,大脑皮层、海马和纹状体MAO-B活力增加,脑铁水平明显升高,线粒体铁蛋白水平下降,而海马CA1区神经元核固缩和神经细胞丢失。

Result The cerebral cortex of model mouse became thinner on the seventh day,partial nervous karyopyknosis was formed,the number of local neuron was reduced;sieve structure was formed,and glial cells were proliferated,with basically the same result on seventh day,fifteenth day and thirtieth day.

结果 7d模型小鼠大脑皮质变薄,部分神经细胞核固缩,局限性神经元数目减少,出现筛网状结构,胶质细胞增生,15d、30d镜下与7d基本相同。

They include a pronounced knoblike structure in the part of the motor cortex that controls the left hand; in other studies, similar "knobs" have been associated with musical ability.


Histological analysis showed that the cerebral cortex of Syne DKO and SUN DKO mice displayed severe laminary defects.


NOS neurons atrophy markedly in laterodorsal tegmental nucleus of aged mice. NOS neurons and synapses atrophy in Alzheimer's disease patient temporal cortex and amygdala, NOS neurons decrease by 18-33% in hippocampus.


Through analysis the average CR of cortex and that of caudate nucleus and lentiform have correlation with MMSE scores of HD.


The results of in situ hybridization and fluorescence quantitative PCR showed that the gene expression of dopamine receptors(including D1 and D2) in the prefrontal cortex and DRD1 in lentiform nucleus of SHR from the Kongsheng Zhenzhong Pill group is higher than that in the methylphenidate hydrochloride group and both groups are lower than that in the control group:the gene expression of dopamine receptors D2 in the lentiform nucleus from the methylphenidate hydrochloride group is higher than that in the Kongsheng Zhenzhong Pill group while both groups are lower than that from the control group.


The indirect radioactive count of mean cortex、lentiform nucleus、 caudate nucleus and thalamus of 5 HD cases were determined and compared with mini-mental examination score、motor scale and self-care ability score of unified Huntington disease rating scale .

目的 了解亨廷顿舞蹈病病人的葡萄糖代谢情况,分析正电子发射计算机断层扫描的影像学特点,初步探讨各部位脑代谢与临床症状之间的相关性趋势。

We didn\'t find activated points in cerebellum and deeper brain.3.Acupuncture of sham point can significantly activated BA2,6,8,13,21,37,40,44,45,47,putamen and other areas.Both the left and right side of the brain have activated points,but points on the right side are more than those on the left.Both sides of middle temporal gyms,parietal lobule,supramarginal gyms and the lentiform nucleus have obvious activated points.The activated points mainly concentrated in the cerebral cortex,the deep-activated are mainly in the putamen.4. Sham needling in sham point can significantly activate BA6, 8,9,10,18,21,37,40,43,44.The activated points are mainly distributed in the right side of the brain.The left side also has some activated points;5.In the comparasion of Acupunture and sham-needling in S J5,we find that BA8 and cerebellum have distinct regional activated points;6.In the comparasion of acupuncture in SJ5 and sham point,we find BA2 and left cerebellar regions have activated points;7.Sham needling in S J5 compared with sham point,we find BA7,8,9,18 and other areas have activated points,the main activated points are at the left brain.It is not difficult to find that the distribution of activated points are mainly in the middle brain,no obvious activated points at the temporal lobe.

结果:通过对数据的处理和分析,我们初步发现:1、外关穴真针刺能显著激活Brodmann area45、37、44、40、22、13、37、47区、海马、杏仁核、黑质等区域,小脑左侧更明显,左侧颞叶皮层激活点多于右侧,且脑部左侧深层激活点多于右侧;2、外关穴假针刺能显著激活BA46、44、41、13、40、37、19区等区域,激活点主要集中表现在大脑皮层,以颞叶为主,小脑及深部未发现明显激活点;3、非穴真针刺组结果分析初步表明,BA2、6、8、13、21、37、40、44、45、47区以及壳核等区域有激活点,大脑左、右侧均有激活点,但右侧更多,双侧颞中回、顶叶下小叶、缘上回及豆状核有明显激活点,激活点主要集中在大脑皮层,深部激活点主要在壳核;4、非穴假针刺能显著激活BA6、8、9、10、18、21、37、40、43、44区等区域有激活点,主要分布在大脑的右侧,左侧也有不少激活点,就其具体分布主要在颞叶和额叶,少部分分布在顶叶和枕叶;5、外关穴真针刺与假针刺对比发现,BA8区和小脑等区域有明显的激活点;6、外关穴真针刺与非穴真针刺对比发现BA2区、左侧小脑等区域有激活点;7、外关穴假针刺与非穴假针刺对比发现,BA7、8、9、18等区有激活点,主要反应点在左侧大脑的枕叶中回、楔叶,顶叶楔前叶及额上回、中回,就其分布不难看出主要在大脑中部,颞叶未见明显激活点。

Imaging characteristics: gyriform/linear enhancement and calcification of the leptomeninges and cortex, which are the result of meningovascular fibroblastic proliferation.


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Thirdly, we study the α-invariant Radon measures for random walks and Levy processes and give some nice ratio limit theorems that is relative to the α-invariant Radon measures.


Some systematic factors, such as written testimony confirmation, big judicature and whole-proceeding liability of perjury, urge judges to be averse from witness presence in court, and the system of police as witness in court has no support of cultural tradition of suspicion to power and individual enthusiasm.


Sir,I don't think I need a helper.
