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correspond with相关的网络例句

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与 correspond with 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Instead of a Shadow Cabinet, PR sets up Committee to correspond with 25 cabinet ministries in the Federal Government 1 day ago


The writer draws on the moral idealism and medical ethics of the traditional Confucian ethics of Jen to correspond with the altruist ethics that represents the medical professional ethics in the western modern medical society.


However, energy crisis, environmental protection consciousness and new energy development have already become an important issue in the 21st century. In order to popularize the discussion of the domain of the social science, this research was at one's own expense by Dr. Tsai MeiYing of Shih Hsin University. In addition, United Nations Industrial Development Organization - International Centre for Hydrogen Energy Technologies (UNIDO-ICHET) sponsored the investigation. Planning to correspond with the orientation of dissemination and following the highlight of topics, such as global warming, oil price upsurge and Kyoto Protocol etc., which has caused the obviousness of the new energy media issues in recent years, we probe into how media reported the new energy issues and what the core frame of media's report was. Simultaneously, we discuss further the concern degree and viewpoint of new energy relevant domain's opinion leaders and innovators to this topic of media's report.


This summary does not correspond with the conclusions of most researchers,(see, for example, this review of the homework literature ). Kohn also argues that two common justifications for homework—to automatize skills and to provide practice time for mastery—are based on flawed assumptions.

他的这个结论和大多数的研究结果向左(像《家庭作业制度调查报告》),Kohn 还反驳家庭作业制的两项用途——使学生能自行掌握所学技巧和给予他们掌握知识所需的练习时间,这两项假设是有缺陷的。

Each is ruled by a Celestine and is thought to correspond with one of the planets, including Luna.


Hence, when people face the negative effects in living conditions and its future caused by modern practice actions leaded by the existent cogitate style, to research the existent cogitate style and its culture structure is necessary for people to achieve the idea life, which is healthy, reasonable and correspond with the development of humanity.


It is proved in production practice that the actual conversion values between rockwell and vickers hardness of quenched tempered high speed tool steel dont correspond with the values in GB/T1172-1974 《Conversion Tables on Hardness and Strength of Ferrous Metals》.

引言多年来,一些高速钢工具专业生产厂和自用生产厂在测量淬硬高速钢的洛氏硬度 HRC和维氏硬度 HV时觉察到两种实测硬度之间的换算值与国家标准 GB/T1 1 72 - 1 974《黑色金属硬度及强度换算表》中的换算值不相符合。

I would be happy to correspond with any readers interested in this book.


Would you like to correspond with him?


I would like to correspond with you at first to understand your culture.


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And if officials on the take are not parroting the opinions of these companies, what can we suppose the money they receive is for?


Love them, and love you too, Pitcher.


He was sent away to the island of Scyros,where he fell into sea from a cliff.
