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- 与 correlation 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]
Experimental results indicated that the first canonical correlation coefficient and the second canonical correlation coefficient was 0.8451 and 0.7843 respectively, they have constituted 91.37% of the total correlation. The first canonical variable (V1) of the response signals group had certain predicted ability on physicochemical index of milk, but the predicted ability was a little weak, response signals of ZZ sensor(X1)、CA sensor(X4) and JB sensor(X7) played a crucial role .At the same time, four canonical variable V and W have explained 42.49% and 43.25% of the total variances of the other group respectively.
试验结果表明:第一典型相关系数和第二典型相关系数分别是0.8451 和 0.7843,前两对典型变量共占总相关的91.37%;响应信号组的第一典型变量(V1)对牛奶理化指标具有一定的预测能力,但预测能力较弱,起主要作用的是ZZ传感器响应信号(X1)、CA传感器响应信号(X4)和JB传感器响应信号(X7);与此同时,V和 W 的四个典型变量分别解释另一组变量总方差的42.49%和43.25%。
The results showed that the first canonical correlation coefficient between aldehydes, ketones, esters and the total quantity of each kind of ingredient and smoking quality achieved 5 % or 1 % remarkable level. And their correlation depended mainly in the correlation between phenylacetaldehyde, furfural, megastigmatrienone-1, megastigmatrienone-3, geranylacetone,β-damascenone, keto-isophorone, dihydroactinidiolide and smoking quality.
This contour phase correlation method is superior to the conventional phase correlation in two aspects. Firstly, the contours of images are extracted, and the phase correlation is applied to the contours of images instead of the whole original images, which is more efficient and robust. Secondly, when there are multiple peak values approximate to the maximum peak value in the δ function array, the corresponding translations can be regarded as candidate translations and calculated separately, and the best translation should be determined by the optimization of conformability of two images in the overlapping area.
Firstly, this paper investigated roundly the basic theory of the ambient vibration method, analyzed systematically the main methods of ambient vibration identification, and discussed their advantages and disadvantages. Then we established the finite element model of structural dynamics and test model and analyzed their mutual relation, improved MUSIC method and correlation function method in the harmonic identification, and gave the subspace method and correlation function method based on continuous model, which is multi-harmonic retrieve technique. And then, this paper also puts forward least-squares method to estimate directly structural physical and modal parameters; this approach replaced the derivative operator in the continuous time model with an equivalent approximation, and estimated the physical parameters of structures by the least-squares method. And then, we discussed the approximation methods of derivative and their convergence. Finally, this paper researched the modal parameters of a frame structure by the simulation and test. The results demonstrated that subspace method, correlation function method and the least-squares method are effective and stable respectively.
The traits correlation analysis indicates: The table mould correlation of stem volume and height ,DBH ,crown width , has achieved the utmost point level of significance , The straightness with other traits correlation indicates that we can get some improvements when we select other traits.
From the calculation of two different similarity measures—Pearson correlation coefficient and Spearman correlation coefficient, we found that about 94 percent of gene expression regulatory pathways are correlatively expressed in more than 4(including 4) sets of expression profile data, and it presents additional evidence for the correlation between gene function and its expression in the view of gene expression regulatory pathways.
The work in the second year's project had resulted in two primary successes. One is to analyze the field data of wave and wind collected from August 1993 to May 1994, acquire the short time characteristic and the cross correlation between wind and wave in Mir-Tuor area. The other is to consult with Central Weather Bureau to get the waves data observing in Hsiao-Liu-Chiu and Dong-Chi-Yu. Cross correlation analysis was applied to analyze the relationship of the waves between Mir-Tuor and Hsiao-Liu-Chiu area, and between Mir-Tuor and Dong-Chi-Yu area. It indicates good cross correlation of waves between Mir-Tuor and Hsiao-Liu-Chiu area.
By using correlation analysis, we are able to calculate the self correlation coefficient of the same characteristic value to achieve the association of current and previous one and the cross correlation coefficient of two different characteristic values, consequently achieve the data association between characteristic values. 3. On the characteristic level, we are trying to fuse the characteristic values from different data source and identify the exact type of the fault.
Auto-focusing algorithm based on cross correlation ;2. By means of signal processing techniques such as the power spectrum function, the auto correlation function and cross correlation function, two kinds of ECG signals when AF does or does not happen were successively analyzed, showing the evident differences between them.
提出了一种简便有效的、由心电图曲线提取QRS -T复合波的新方法,从而获得P波或f波;利用功率谱、自相关、互相关等信号处理技术,对它进行了处理和分析,特别是,比较了未房颤时和发生房颤时的相关信息的显著差别。
Aiming at the limitation of this algorithm,the universal cut-and-try algorithm is put forward.The complexities of macroscopic traffic volume and GDP time series are calculated,respectively.The results show:the complexity of GDP has a positive correlation with the complexity of freight traffic volume;the influence of the complexity of GDP on the complexity of macroscopic traffic volume is long-term with lagged effect;and the correlation between GDP and macroscopic traffic volume has an uncertain relation with the correlation between their complexities.
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In measurements of a day,generallyspeaking,the photosynthesis of birch in mesophytic habitat is better than that in xerophytichabitat(peak values are 12.8,10.33μmolCO2m-2s-1 respectively);that of sexual birch inmesophytic habitat is better than that of clone birch(peak values are 9.87,6.71μmolCO2m-2s-1respectively);that of young tree is better than that of seedling(peak values are12.37,10.05μmolCO2m-2s-1 respectively).