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与 cooked 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Certain foods are eaten in set order during the ceremony, including matzoth, the unleavened bread of bondage; maror, bitter herbs, commemorating the bitterness of slavery; baitzah, a hard-cooked egg, symbolic of life's cycle of birth and death; zaroah, a roasted lamb bone representing the paschal lamb; haroseth, chopped nuts, apples, and wine, symbolic of the clay used by Pharaoh's Hebrew slaves to make bricks; and karpas, parsley, lettuce or other greens, as a reminder that the new growth during this spring festival brings renewed hope of universal peace.

某些食品可吃掉,每套为了在开幕典礼中,包括matzoth ,未经发酵的面包的劳役; maror ,苦菜,纪念苦涩的奴役; baitzah ,硬熟鸡蛋,象徵生命的周期的诞生和死亡; zaroah ,一个烤羊肉骨代表逾越节的羔羊; haroseth ,切碎的坚果,苹果,葡萄酒,象徵性的粘土用老王的希伯莱奴隶,使砖;卡帕斯,香菜,生菜或其他绿色植物,作为提醒说,新的增长点,在这个春节带来新的希望,对世界和平。

Poon Kam-yiu, also devoted a few winter Yangwei prescription, such as pepper pot Zhudu, Amomum villosum carp soup, sorghum japonica rice cooked ginger, jujube Longan burning lean meat, Bergamot japonica rice porridge.


Under the greenish lamplight her face, flushed a dark red and streaked with powder, looked like an over-cooked pig's liver, mottled and repulsive.


So, during the day we explore the inlets of the river by pirogue and at lunch we settle down to tasting delicious local dished cooked over the fire 'wrapped' into bamboo cane.


Pastry and dough-based items include cream puffs and New Orleans beignets, while cooked fruit comes to the fore in baked pears with mint cream, plum duff and fresh berry tumble.


Also, US spoken usage sometimes, especially with the contracted forms, substitutes the conditional for the pluperfect ( If I would have cooked the pie we could have had it for lunch ), but this tends to be avoided in writing.


Poach the chicken in boiling water to cover for 10 minutes, or until cooked.


How do you like pork cooked like this?


You can cook a pot of barley in the freezer, eat slowly, or cooked some of it does not matter thin, light soup is also annealing.


People at dinner parties get all quiet and pissed off when I don't eat the pot roast they cooked.


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What would he tell Judith and the children?


I this is at that time, the opinion with peacockish true girl is full of in a heart.


Oh, and I bought myself a new laptop," he said."
