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Then I thought of Eliza and Georgiana; I beheld one the cynosure of a ball-room, the other the inmate of a convent cell; and I dwelt on and analysed their separate peculiarities of person and character.


This congregation had been established in 1499 by Bishop Louis d'Amboise, who, there being no reformed convent in the province of France, obtained from Mantuanus tow religious, one of whom died on the road; the survivor found in the Collège Montaigu in Paris some twenty students willing to embrace the religious life.

这会众已成立於1499年,由主教路易斯-a mboise,世卫组织,如果没有改革,修道院,在该省的法国,索取m antuanus丝束宗教,其中一人死於道路;幸存者发现,在该学院m ontaigu在巴黎约20个学生愿意去拥抱的宗教生活。

At the beginning of the pandect, as we have mentioned, there are certain dedicatory verses; they record the gift to the venerable convent of St. Saviour by a certain Peter who was abbot from the extreme territory of the Lombards.

在一开始的全书,正如我们所提到的,有一定的奉献小诗,他们记录的礼物,以历代修道院的圣救世主由某一彼得谁是住持,从极端的领土上的lombards 。

Thus on August 24, 1562, the resolute nun founded the convent of Discalced Carmelite Nuns of the Primitive Rule of St.

因此,对1562年8月24日,坚决尼姑创立修道院的discalced carmelite尼姑原始法治的圣若瑟。

He rapidly rose from dignity to dignity, and while engaged in the foundation of a convent in his native town, was elected provincial of the Discalced Carmelites.


After many troubles and much opposition St. Teresa founded the convent of Discalced Carmelite Nuns of the Primitive Rule of St. Joseph at Avila (24 Aug., 1562), and after six months obtained permission to take up her residence there.

经过了许多麻烦,许多反对派圣德肋撒创办修道院discalced carmelite尼姑原始法治的圣若瑟在阿维拉( 1562年8月24日),并在6个月后,未得许可采取了她的住所。

I accept it," said she;"he has a right to pay the dowry, which I shall take with me to some convent!


Hence Monseigneur had taken his sister from a convent, while there was yet time to ward off the impending veil, the cheapest garment she could wear , and had bestowed her as a prize upon a very rich Farmer-General, poor in family.


Convent when I was little instead of a foundling asylum.


The provincial chapter of Bordeaux (1257) even forbade the religious to eat with the inquisitors in places where the order had a convent Douais,"Les Frères Prêcheurs en Gascogne", Paris-Auch, 1885, p.

省委章波尔多( 1257 ),甚至禁止宗教吃同监狱的地方,为了有一个修道院( douais ,"就业辅导组兄弟prêcheurs恩加斯科涅",巴黎- auch , 1885年,第64页)。

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Deceiving Eyes
The Nun With The Astrail Habit
Hair Braider
Do You Swear To Tell The Truth The Whole Truth And Nothing But The Truth So Help Your Black Ass
You Are Woman
Stuff Like That There
Since 13
At Last The Secret Is Out
Tearing The Veil From Grace
The Persecution Song

The gainsown area will be stabilized at about 110 million has through the increase of the multiple crop index.


My dear plum ,what are you doing


However, George has been harbouring a secret love for his friend for some time now.
