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About 1482 the Observants settled in England and founded their first convent at Greenwich.


About 1482 the Observants settled in England and founded their first convent at Greenwich.


And at this convent we now arrive in the late evening hour; but the weather is clear in the bright June night around us, and the eye can range far, far over field and moor to the Bay of Aalborg, over heath and meadow, and far across the deep blue sea.


This congregation had been established in 1499 by Bishop Louis d'Amboise, who, there being no reformed convent in the province of France, obtained from Mantuanus tow religious, one of whom died on the road; the survivor found in the Collège Montaigu in Paris some twenty students willing to embrace the religious life.

这会众已成立于1499年,由主教路易斯-a mboise,世卫组织,如果没有改革,修道院,在该省的法国,索取m antuanus丝束宗教,其中一人死于道路;幸存者发现,在该学院m ontaigu在巴黎约20个学生愿意去拥抱的宗教生活。

In Peru 49 members of the same province are employed: 14 priests and 2 lay brothers belonging to the convent at Lima; 12 priests to the college in the same city; 6 in each of the two seminaries at Cuzco and Ayacucho.

在秘鲁49个成员在同一省就业: 14神职人员和2奠定兄弟属於修道院在利马12神职人员的学院在同一城市; 6日在这两个学院在库斯科和阿亚库乔。

This time we were housed in a small convent in the town of Balaton Boglar.


Vincent de Paul has divinely traced the features of the Sister of Charity in these admirable words, in which he mingles as much freedom as servitude:"They shall have for their convent only the house of the sick; for cell only a hired room; for chapel only their parish church; for cloister only the streets of the town and the wards of the hospitals; for enclosure only obedience; for gratings only the fear of God; for veil only modesty."


Her death at a convent in Coimbra, central Portugal, was reported by the Lusa news agency today.


The priest was invited by the Carmelites of Coimbra to preside in the convent at the first Mass for the repose of his aunt's soul.


By the decision of the general chapter of 1625, the direction of the friars was carried on from Douai, where the English Franciscans had a convent, but in 1629 it was entrusted to the general of the order.


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Deceiving Eyes
The Nun With The Astrail Habit
Hair Braider
Do You Swear To Tell The Truth The Whole Truth And Nothing But The Truth So Help Your Black Ass
You Are Woman
Stuff Like That There
Since 13
At Last The Secret Is Out
Tearing The Veil From Grace
The Persecution Song

Meanwhile, Data of TCD and cerebrospinal fluid pressure were recorded for later analysis and compared with control group.


The green belt area around London has been targeted as the best area for these franchises.


In 2006, the golden ragwort first bloomed on May 26, Dr. Primack observed; this year it flowered three days earlier.
