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与 controversy 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Particular controversy has ensued over four dams on the Snake River


Miss Tsai Han-chieh presented the second report on Opening skinner's box . The author of the book was Lauren Slater. It introduced several classic experiments conducted by scholars of behavior psychology, including classical conditioning by Pavlov and operant conditioning by Skinner. Skinner held the opinion that human behavior is the result of environmental forces. He did not believe in free will of human beings. This had caused great controversy.

第二场由蔡函洁小姐报告《打开史金纳的箱子》,作者为Lauren Slater,介绍心理学行为学派学家所进行的数项经典实验,包括Pavlov的古典制约与Skinner的操作制约;而Skinner认为人类的行为是环境影响下的结果,否认人类具有自由意志,引发不小的争议。

Beuys's relationship with the legacy of Duchamp and the Readymade is a central aspect of the controversy surrounding his practice.


The origins of early Christian monasticism are not clearly known and are, therefore, subject to controversy.


The controversy between Cyril and Theodoret was revived with violence in the attacks made in 444-8, after Cyril's death, by his party on Irenus of Tyre, Ibas of Edessa, and others.

之间的争议,西里尔和Theodoret是恢复暴力攻击了444-8后,西里尔死亡,他的党依提尔, Ibas的埃德萨,和其他

B a Christian is introduced as clumsily starting a controversy on this point, that, according to the Jewish contention, Exod.


He went on to compare the "attacks on the pope" with criticism of Pius X (the hero of ultra-traditionalist Catholics), Paul VI and Pius XII, whose silence over the Holocaust remains a painful controversy.


It was distinguished, first, by Gregory VII's bold attack after 1075 on the traditional practices whereby the emperor had controlled appointments to the higher church offices, an attack that spawned the protracted civil and ecclesiastical strife in Germany and Italy known as the Investiture Controversy.

这是尊敬的,首先,由格雷戈里七世的大胆攻击后, 1075年对传统的做法,即皇帝已控制任命较高的教会办事处,攻击促成了长期内战和宗教纷争在德国和意大利称之为investiture争议。

With the emergence of the three professors in 1827, namely, Guizot, Cousin, and Willmann, there has been controversy over the teaching, teaching philosophy and teaching of literary criticism.


Professor Fletcher had known since the 1960's that the controversy between the New and Old Teachings in northwest China was a dispute over the dhikr , the Sufi rememberance of God, but the identity of the Khufiyya and Jahriyya, the two antagonistic Sufi solidarities of Kansu, remained a mystery.


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This paper analyzes the compound attractor structure of a new three-dimensional autonomous chaotic system.


ON shut rivals out of their transmission systems and shy away from reinvesting their profits in network improvements.


Objective: Elucidate the medicinal licorice species circumscription in order to develop licorice resources in China and select new cultivars.
