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与 controversy 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Questions and controversy continue to swirl around the California mom who recently gave birth to octuplets.


If the stores are familiar with, may request a paper record or profile, with the telephone to obtain further information, etc.; these documents are electronic stores basic information for the future needs to deal with controversy.


Between approximately 1717 and 1722 the Church of Scotland was agitated by a controversy between evangelicals, known as "Marrow Men," and moderates, or "neonomians," over the relationship between law and gospel in salvation.

之间大约1717年和1722年的教堂,苏格兰是激动,由争议之间新教徒,被称为&骨髓男人&,和温和派,即& neonomians ,&的关系,法律与福音救赎。

Within a few hours after posting a photo of Steve Jobs' Mercedes spotted outside the Yerba Buena Center, the location of Apple 's 'Let's Rock' event on Tuesday, comments and controversy began to emerge along with a flood of email inquiries.

在刊登一张Jobs驾驶的奔驰停靠在Yerba Buena中心(Apple &Let's Rock&活动场所)的照片后,我们立刻收到了大量的回复和邮件询问。

The high visibility of the reactor's containment building in a densely populated area has occasionally caused controversy,[96][97] but MIT maintains that it is well-secured.


However, there has been controversy over the public safety aspects of holding such a well-attended event in narrow streets in a small area of London.


Despite the controversy, Yamana increased their "war chest" by 200 percent with this deal.


At that time, due to an immature market factors, the lack of active market, fair value is often difficult to obtain, leading enterprises in the use of these accounting criteria There is a certain arbitrariness, and thus left to the fair value of the abuse of loopholes, a profit of manipulation "Therefore, the new guidelines on the new system and operational matters dealing with the economy as much as possible by avoiding the 'fair value' pricing, according to the book value recorded." 2006 promulgated by the new accounting standards clearly require the use of fair-value model, this is not only the application of fair value measurement of financial instruments from the non-financial tools to the change, as well as for the application of fair value of a turning point - by the controversy "is used" to the "How a" turning point.

原因是由于当时要素市场不成熟,缺乏活跃的市场,公允价值往往难以获得,导致企业在运用这些会计准则时存在一定的随意性,从而也给滥用公允价值留下空子,出现人为操纵利润的情况,&因此,新准则和新制度对有关经济业务事项的处理尽可能地回避了按'公允价值'计价,而改按账面价值入账&。2006 年新颁布的会计准则明确要求采用公允价值模式,这不仅是公允价值计量的应用由金融工具向非金融工具的转变,也是对我国公允价值应用的一个转折点——由争论&是否采用&到&如何采用&的转折点。

The new traffic law has caused a great of controversy.


The controversy began in the small mountain town of South Park...


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This paper analyzes the compound attractor structure of a new three-dimensional autonomous chaotic system.


ON shut rivals out of their transmission systems and shy away from reinvesting their profits in network improvements.


Objective: Elucidate the medicinal licorice species circumscription in order to develop licorice resources in China and select new cultivars.
