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与 consume 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

To consume in a healthy and eco-friendly way, one should avoid using petroleum-based, added preservatives and artificial colourings contained products like household cleaning goods, skin care and personal care products.


The fruit here is free, and you can find compotes in the box, the average consume is 8 yuan of the box.


The fruit here is free, and you can find compotes in the box, the average consume is 8 yuan one person in the box.


A typical American toad can consume 50 to 100 slugs, flies, grasshoppers, and cutworms each evening, helping keep your garden free of pests.


With the trend of globalization strengthening continuously in the world, international civil and commercial activities are more complicated, and the cases of international consume delicts have doubled.


12 Illnesses can take on many forms, those of the body are easy to treat, much mo re difficult, are the hidden maladies that fester in our hearts, the secret ad dictions that consume our souls.


After all, the one-sided, illiberal "economy"is not a genuine one.if all the people economised in this way, taxis would go by a devious route, petrol stations would always expect the drivers to consume more gasoline, restaurants would be desitous of customers ordering more dishes, hospitals would tend to persuade patients to purchase more medicine...thus, the constuction of a resource-efficient society is just a hollow word.


However, some egotists, or termites that consume decayed wood, seized this chance and profited from the predictive aspect of Yi Jing .


A clue is in Ulysses 's family, The people proposes who to Ulysses 's wife feast every day, consume his wealth, His wife potential inter-bank issue and acceptance of drafts is thin, is unable to get rid proposes human's entanglement; Ulysses's son Telemachus resented proposes human's committing evil acts, Under Jove's daughter goddess Minerva's help, he egresses inquires father's news.


Fire elementals ignite all that they touch and consume the air around them.


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Consume Your Soul
Consume Me
Consume Me

And if officials on the take are not parroting the opinions of these companies, what can we suppose the money they receive is for?


Love them, and love you too, Pitcher.


He was sent away to the island of Scyros,where he fell into sea from a cliff.
