英语人>网络例句>consume 相关的网络例句

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与 consume 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The Germans realize that a successful war must be prosecuted by a highly organized machine, equipped with exceedingly expensive apparatus, officered by men whose training must necessarily consume years, during which they and the troops they are instructing must be supported by the State and allowed to devote their whole time to learning the game of war.


It is estimated that Chlorinated Paraffins consume about 20-25 million pounds per year of paraffin waxes.

估计氯化蜡的生产每年将消费 9082 吨至 11350 吨的石油蜡。

Some people, for instance, can consume all the fatty foods they want—meat, cheese, butter, ice cream—but somehow manage to stay rail-thin and enjoy low blood triglyceride levels, whereas others living on the same rich fare would soon develop potbellies and clogged arteries.

例如,一些人可以消耗他们所食用的所有的富含脂肪的食品,像肉,奶酪,奶油,冰淇淋——但仍然保持着苗条的身形和低甘油三酯含量,然而其他人在吃了相同量的富含脂肪的食品后,就会出现一些动脉血管堵塞和 potbellies 。

It is regulated that performance value and prescriptive value in the residential buildings energy design standard for hot summer and warm winter zone. EHTV method predigests the Energy Consume Calculation Method, be used to the performance value design.


Unlike vampires, he and his beasts consume the entirety of their preys' bodies, not just their blood.


Spectacular society equates happiness with its subjects' ability to consume the symbols of wealth and power reified in the commodity.


The reason is that green plants under sunlight undergo photosynthesis while respiring, hence they consume the carbon dioxide in air and release oxygen in return.


The main contents are as follows: 1.Through analyzing the new consume characteristics of customer and the changes of customers' role, retrospecting the origins and divergent perspectives of customer knowledge management.


I am told to consume the small cups offered for tasting in three sips.


Draw and add the solvent only to once, recycle in a set of sealed equipment, the solvent in the dregs of a decoction can be retrieved out basically, so solvent consumption than many of draw pot to be 30% more than less only, the consume can reduce 50-70%, it is better for draw with the organic solvent, active principle in the sublimating of the traditional Chinese medicine.


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objective:to explore the expression of survivin protein and its mrna in rectal cancer and their clinic significance.


9She was a lively young woman with patience and imagination. A born teacher, she thought she could turn a deaf-blind person into a useful human being.(SBIII L65)Born means (10)The purpose of the fence is to keep out a type of wild dog called a "dingo".
