英语人>网络例句>consume 相关的网络例句

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与 consume 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Finished goods are value added inventory, which consume non-value added product.


So I will send fire upon the wall of Tyre And it will consume her citadels.


Flaxseed is an alternative source of supply for vegetarians and others who do not consume much fish.


Transport costs consume nearly 13% of Brazil's GDP, five percentage points more than in the United States, according to Paulo Fleury of COPPEAD, a business school in Rio de Janeiro.


When it is configured as shift register, there is no need to consume any flip-flop resource.


The works of Zhang Henshui are widely popular south and north in twenties and thirties and then have a mixed reception among which denounce is in the predominant position over a long period of time.He experiences from the force-out after liberation to owning increasing number of "Zhang Craze"(Zhang Henshui"s faithful readers).He now has his place in literature ascending from a force-out writer in Chinese literature."The Classic Road", from excluded by main current ideological form to "Classic Idolof metropolitan consume culture, is full of frustrations.


Frass : As the mealworms consume the bran, a fine, dusty or sandy residue will settle out on the bottom. Eventually, shed exoskeletons and waste products will build up, and a slight ammonia odor may be detected.

frass :由于mealworms消耗麸皮,罚款,尘土飞扬或沙质残渣将收列于底部,最后在大棚外骨骼和废弃物产品将建立起来,并有轻微的氨气味,可侦破。

This is the glory hole belonging to monticello dam in california and it's the largest in the world, its size enabling it to consume 14′400 cubic feet of water every second.


This is the glory hole belonging to monticello dam in california and it ' s the largest in the world, its size enabling it to consume 14′400 cubic feet of water every second.

光?之洞是?於美?加州的 monticello 水?的,而且是世上最大的。它的超大 size 可每秒可以吸收14,400立方英尺(?408立方公尺)的水

This is the glory hole belonging to monticello dam in california andit's the largest in the world, its size enabling it to consume 14′400cubic feet of water every second.


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Consume Your Soul
Consume Me
Consume Me

Recall that, in the Kolmogorov axiomatization, measurable sets are the sets which have a probability or, in other words, the sets corresponding to yes/no questions that have a probabilistic answer.


The experimental results showed that the algorithm can filter singular points and remain fixity of the target edge.


It explains in detail how the methods of elicitation, discussion, and induction are to be used in the physics teaching.
