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与 constructivism 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

I have analyzed the present situation in the middle school English learning , and reviewed / summarized the interactionist theory, constructivism and some other relevant theories and their effective guide to English teaching in my paper.


Part One is an introduction focusing on the background,the significance and the purpose of the present study.Part two provides a brief overview of a theoretical review on the nature of reading process,a brief review of 3 traditional methods of teaching in reading and research on TBLT in china and abroad.Part three introduces Constructivism,Krashen"s "Input and Interactionist Hypothesis" and The affective filter hypothesis,which construct a theoretical frame for the study.Part four provides the application of TBLT to teaching reading in senior middle school,mainly including fundamental principles,types of the reading task design and finally introducing the design of TBLT models in senior high school according to Willis"task-implementing model in teaching.Part five elaborates the experiment itself,mainly including the hypothesis of the present study,the procedures of the experiments and questionnaires.Part six is data collection and analyses.The result of the experiment shows that TBLT is more effective than traditional method in senior middle school English reading.Part seven draws a conclusion to the study.Implications as well as limitations are discussed here.


International norms diffusion is an important aspect of international norms research in constructivism.


First, I am going to analyze comparatively Rawls' political constructivism and Confucian intuitionism.


I contend that even constructivism cannot avoid intuitionism to pave the basic bedrocks for just principles.


In this dissertation it is argued that technology should been understood neither from the view of logical positivism, nor social constructivism.


Different educational theories based on different philosophy of science will have great effect on the scientific education and the formation of the students' views of natural science. Since over one century, especially in the latest 50 years, philosophy of science has developed continuously, from the logical positivism in the past to the constructivism, the main trend in the contemporary era.


Since over one century, especially in the latest 50 years, philosophy of science has developed continuously, from the logical positivism in the past to the constructivism, the main trend in the contemporary era. The connotation of the science essence has also experienced a great change.


As a counteraction to such western philosophic theories as logicism and constructivism, deconstructivism offers a novel theoretical perspective to the academic world in current days.

摘 要:解构主义是对逻辑主义和结构主义等西方哲学思想的反叛,它为当前学术领域提供了一种新的研究视角。

Alexander Wendt and Raymond Duvall," Institutions and International Order," in Ernst-Otto Czempiel and James N. Rosenau, eds., Global Changes and Theoretical Challenges : approaches to world politics for the 1990s (Lexington, Mass.: Lexington Books, 1989), pp. 51-73; Maja Zehfuss, Constructivism in International Relations (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2002); Karin M Fierke and Knud Erik Jorgensen, eds.

建构主义理论和英国的「国际社会取向」( international society approach )有许多类似之处,英国学派主要学者以 Hedley Bull 和 Martin Wight 两人最为著名,此派学者主张国家体系是深植於国际社会之中,这个社会包含了国家广为接受的各种价值、规范、和机构,因此可提供国家体系运作的基础。

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