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与 construction 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

GPS location technology is first used in Construction Bank building of Xiamen. It has built the control network of floor construction; Precision of location and setting out can meet the needs of high-rise building construction; Deformation curve reflects the law of sunshine deformation; Frequency spectrum chart of kinematic deformation monitoring reflects kinematic feature and the law of deformation.


Fixed assets used in construction work during the set-up period of the enterprise may be depreciated in full on completion of work or be equal installments over the period of construction and the depreciation charge shall be included in the cost of construction.


This research aims at a domestic management actual situation of professional construction management. To do an integrity study first, and then takes 1996 American Customer Satisfaction Index as a model foundation. Using Partial Least Square algorithm as the analytical tool which studies structure model to construct a professional construction management causal model, the author makes the conclusion that the weight estimated by PLS and the score of Measured Variable construct a management matrix diagram and analyze a key factor of influencing professional construction management service quality to improve a service quality and promote a customer satisfaction. Thus, managers could assign resources correctly to promote customer satisfaction.

本研究首先针对国内工程专案管理实务运作现况做完整探讨,再以1996年美国顾客满意指标(American Customer Satisfaction Index;ACSI)为模型基础,利用部分最小平方演算法,作为研究结构模型的分析工具,尝试建构工程专案管理顾客满意度之因果关系结构模型,并根据PLS所估计出的权重与衡量变数的分数,建构策略管理矩阵图,分析影响工程专案管理服务品质关键因素,作为改进服务品质与提升顾客满意的基础,以利管理者正确分配资源,提升顾客满意度。

Based on the characteristics of staged-construction of foundation pit and the interaction of diaphragm walls-bracing-soil, a FEM method is provided in this paper to analyze the moment and deformation of the diaphragm walls in whole process of foundation construction, taking consideration of all the possible construction stages from the beginning of excavation to the end of foundation, and the influence of cap beam, pre-load of steel bracing, removal and change of bracing, and the corresponding computer program is composed.


The main contents include waterproof and drainage in entrance of tunnel, tunnel Portal Structure and top area of tunnel; Primary support design, Second lining construction design, Blasting design, main procedure of construction, the requirement of construction technology and the choice of materials.


The products can substitute solid clay bricks, avoid damage to the earth, curb the emission of CO2, and protect the environment and farmland. Other special characteristics include being light weight (about 1/3 of a double side plastering wall), having a thickness of 9 to 12 cm, having fire resistance and thermal insulation (A-level non-combustible insulation material), being convenient for construction (plate-type assembling and dry construction), and being cost effective (An enclosure wall of this material can reduce construction costs by 15% to 20%). It has advantages over solid clay bricks in terms of weight, energy-saving capacity, recycling and environmental protection.


The peasants\' problem is the maximal one in the revolution and construction. The essoy deeply studies and explains the classical Maxist writers\' ideas regarding the status and Positions of the orient peasants within the old institution, regarding the possibility and necessity of the proletariate\'s leading the orient peasants, regarding the Orient peasant\'s land-reform and the establishing of the work-peasant democratic regime, and regarding the derelopment of economic collaboration. Moreover, it especially analyses the classical Maxist writers\' theory on Orient Peasants\' problem in the process of socialistic construction, in particular, the one a bout the treat ment of the abore problems and theirs respective characters. Accordingly, the essay deeply interprets the peasant\'s problem today and how the ideas on the construction of the socialistic new countryside does in herit and develop the classical Maxist writer\'s theofy on Orient peasants\' problems.


On basis of the features of Yuanliangshan tunnel, jet ventilation technology has been successfully used in the construction of the tunnel and the calculation method for the air volumes of construction jet ventilations are improved. The calculation method for the air volumes of construction jet ventilations is not only suitable for gas tunnels consisting of twin tubes, but also suitable for long tunnels with ancillary adits and large-scale underground structures.


We shall develop the technology for production and application of chemical construction materials, high-performance heat-preserving and heat-insulating materials, furnace energy-saving and afterheat utilization of the construction material industry, the technology for production and application of grass fiber and the reinforced products thereof, nano super-minute crushing and super-minute powder surface treatment, production of the construction material products such as ecological cement that disposes of the industrial waste and life garbage, high-performance building coating of interior and exterior wall and environment protecting decorating and building materials.


Since the circumstance and construction of extra caissons converges lots of uncertainties, it is difficult to obtain a suitable mechanics model of construction. In order to establish a suitable model, first loading situation in construction was analyzed.


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Highway (Under Construction)
Under Construction
Construction Of The Masses, Pt.1
Construction Of The Masses, Pt.2

I can still vividly recall the impressive scenes you gave. You were among my friends and relatives who accompanied me from my house to the seaport and when the porters were slow to show up, you obligingly carried my suitcase for me.


St. Nicholas became the patron saint of Russia, where he was famous for his red cape, flowing white beard, and bishop's mitre.


Long periods of seeming invincibility. Though some industries or lines of business exhibit characteristics that endow leaders with virtually insurmountable advantages, and that tend to establish Survival of the Fattest as almost a natural law, most do not. Thus, for every Inevitable, there are dozens of Impostors, companies now riding high but vulnerable to competitive attacks. Considering what it takes to be an Inevitable, Charlie and I recognize that we will never be able to come up with a Nifty Fifty or even a Twinkling Twenty. To the Inevitables in our portfolio, therefore, we add a few "Highly Probables."
