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与 construction 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

1Niche construction can lead to stable coexistence of diverse genotypes in spatially structured population, which supports a stable polymorphism even without heterozygote superiority.(2)With habitat deterioration, niche construction accelerates the formation of steady polymorphism and hence impedes the harmful influences of environment on the population, which might embody a life-history strategy of organism under the unfavorable environment.(3)Niche construction results in the coexistence with alternative polymorphism through genotype-environment feedback and limited gene flow.(4)The niche-constructing organism is an active force to alter its environment and hence the direction of natural selection in order to better survival.(5)Spatial dynamics and distribution pattern of metapopulation are profoundly influenced by time-lagged niche construction.(6)Metapopulation size can reach a fixed level in the recency effect and equal weighting of time lag but is statistical stability in primacy effect, which implies the primacy effect is most remarkable.(7)The increment in the relative weightingof each generation\' niche construction and the length of time lag are significant factors for system destabilization.(8)Moderate capacity of positive niche construction benefits the metapopulation persistence.(9)The narrowing of niche breadth can decrease the metapopulation size and thereby increase the extinction risk.(10)The coupled function of time lag and niche construction make the system oscillation and generate the spiral wave, spiral-broken and circular wave in heterogeneous habitat.The spatial distributions of metapopulation and resource content are complementary due to a phase lag of their both frequencies.(12)Metapopulation persistence with niche construction depends not only on the balance between colonization and extinction, but also on the balance between the ability of niche construction and natural dissipation of habitat.(13)Metapopula-tion can survive under certain condition when the percent of suitable patches in habitat is lower than the ration of extinction to colonization.(14)Two thresholds exist in the process of transition of habitat quality dynamics from unsuitable to suitable, which include the intensity of niche construction and the initial condition of system.(15)Metapopulation size is positive correlated with the ability of positive niche construction, which means that organism or population who has strongly positive influences on their environment plays an important role to maintain the available habitat.


This thesis firstly elaborates on researches at home and abroad on factors affecting the development of the construction industry, defines the contents of the construction industry, introduces its function and expounds the impact mechanism of various factors affecting the construction industry. Secondly, this thesis carries on a brief analysis on the current situation of development in Anhui construction industry to reflect its achievements and shortage since the beginning of reform and opening up, and makes a comparative analysis and comprehensive evaluation on the regional development level of Anhui construction industry through the method of Factor Analysis. Thirdly, this thesis tries to calculate the contribution rate of technical progress, labor and capital in economic growth of Anhui construction industry with the method of linear regression, empirically analyze the external factors affecting the development of Anhui construction industry by means of co-integration and granger causality test, and predict the development of Anhui construction industry by using the method of principal components regression.


Visa, science and technology development Co, LTD Customer manager upervisor October 2006 to March 2008 Working location: xian Job responsibilities and performance: Customer manager marketing 6 number subordinates Mainly responsible for yahoo search for promotion and web hosting, domain name registration, suppositional mainframe, Responsible for employee training, orientation, regional sales team in the audience of the product sales plan and customers, Meeting with the marketing process design and implementation, Sales: Shaanxi worker international travel service website construction site construction and the domain name registration of space Poly million rosefinch international website construction site construction and multiplex domain registration of space Xian yuan and magnetic power limited company yahoo search for Xian fujian Lin sports Co, LTD, yahoo search for Xian Orient enterprise yahoo search for Xian metal Co, LTD is explained.the long website construction and yahoo search for Xian hualong chemical Co, LTD. Yahoo search for Xian han hospital website construction site construction and the domain name registration of space Xian made mountain hospital website construction site construction and the domain name registration of space Xian of technology Co, LTD BaoLin plant construction site construction site and the domain name registration of space Xian whoa outdoor shop website construction site construction and the domain name registration of space Beijing phoenix 42 ° hot yoga website construction and the domain name registration of space ... Education background Renmin university of China 2008 - today gaduate business administration management Airline worker xian university September 2004 - July 2007 E-commerce of management science and engineering college | xian in shaanxi Professional description: Management of electronic Commerce Department Training and experience Product marketing channels June 2008 Training: guanghua school age Training: The methods and channels of product marketing techniques The outstation of Beijing staff Network product sales skills August 2007 Training duration: two months City: xian Training institutions: yahoo's headquarters Training: Network product sales skills and yahoo's search for sales skills and case analysis Yahoo offices all sales.

维萨特科技发展有限公司客户经理/主管 2006年10月- 2008年3月工作地点:西安工作职责和业绩:客户经理|市场部下属人数:6 主要负责yahoo搜索竞价的推广和网站建设,域名、虚拟主机的注册;负责入职员工的培训、团队组建,销售区域内的产品受众客户群的分析及销售计划的制定;会议营销的会以流程设计及组织实施;销售业绩:陕西职工国际旅行社网站建设网站建设及域名空间的注册保利万和朱雀国际影城网站建设网站建设及域名空间的注册西安元创磁动力有限公司 yahoo搜索竞价西安闽林康体有限公司 yahoo搜索竞价西安东方木器厂 yahoo搜索竞价西安长太特重金属有限公司网站建设及yahoo搜索竞价西安华隆化工有限公司 yahoo搜索竞价西安秦汉医院网站建设网站建设及域名空间的注册西安立山医院网站建设网站建设及域名空间的注册西安宝林植化科技有限公司网站建设网站建设及域名空间的注册西安哇噻户外用品店网站建设网站建设及域名空间的注册北京凤凰42度热瑜伽网站建设及域名空间的注册……教育背景中国人民大学 2008年-今工商管理|管理|本科北京西安航空职工大学 2004年9月- 2007年7月电子商务|管理科学与工程类|大专|陕西西安专业描述:管理工程系电子商务专业培训经历产品渠道营销 2008年6月培训机构:时代光华培训描述:产品渠道营销的手段及技巧北京分部全体人员网络产品销售技巧 2007年8月培训时长:两月城市:西安培训机构:雅虎总部培训描述:网络产品销售销售技巧及雅虎搜索竞价等销售技巧及案例剖析雅虎综合区全体销售

Construction and installation (work volume of construction and installation) refers to the construction of various houses and buildings and installation of various kinds of equipment and instruments, including construction of various houses, equipment foundations and industrial kilns and stoves, preparation works for project construction, and clearing up works post project construction, pavement of railways and roads, drilling of mines and putting up of oil pipes, construction of projects water conservancy, construction of underground air-raid shelters and construction of other special projects, installation of various machinery equipment, testing operation for pre-testing the quaily of installation projects.


The entrance section of FuXi Double-arched Tunnel is modeled in the fact of factual shallow buried and unsymmetrical pressure condition. Adopting the three heading construction method to simulate twelve kinds of construction projects, confirm reasonable construction orders and left and right tunnel face interval, systematically analyze and research the changing law of the tunnel deformation and surrounding rock stress in soft and cracked condition of surrounding rock,bring forward pertinent advices against construction disease; Build the deep buried tunnel model in middle section of tunnel , separately adopt the central heading bench cut benching method and the central heading full cross method to simulate ten kinds of construction projects, establish the reasonable construction orders, sidestep length and tunnel face interval, which are due to the deep buried tunnel, systematically analyze and research the change law of the tunnel deformation and surrounding rock stress in the section with good surrounding rock condition, bring forward the reasonable construction projects which can make sure of construction safety and save construction time; Because the central wall is disturbed many times during constructing process, its displacement and stress distribution is very complex.


Through the authorized strength of construction organization design, can consider all-sidedly the various specific execution conditions that will build project , foster strengths and circumvent weaknesses land will decide reasonable the programme of construction, determine construction order, construction method and labour organization, reasonably comprehensive arrangement will be under construction surely progress plan; To build the design scheme of project the reasonability on economy, the scientificness on technology with in enforcement the possibility on project expounds and proves offer basis; To build the unit planned and construction enterprise construction working plan and enforcement of authorized strength of capital construction of authorized strength to be under construction prepare to work to plan offer basis; Can will build construction and the design of project;, the construction organization work of technology and all construction arrangements of economy, front and rear and construction enterprise and specific project more combine closely; Can the construction unit and cooperation unit, department and department that directly attends , stage and stage and course - the relation between course coordinate better.


The author of this article has the experience in development projects management and leams from domestic existing research results of construction-agent system.In this particular environment of constructions in new district,author research on the sign of construction contract,the choice of construction-agent,the scope of construction-agent,the organization of construction-agent,as well as the costs of construction-agent and management risks of construction-agent system that from the perspective of construction-agent.


In order to ensure the construction process safe and the bridge structure would reach its ideal state, lots of questions in its whole construction control and swivel ereetion construction control are discussed and studied.Firstly, based on the experiences about the cable-stayed bridge's construction control, do emulational anlysis to Sui Fenhe cable-stayed bridge by using the bridge analyzing program of BSAS and Dbridge, analyze the parameters' sensitivity, study the temperature effects, discern the relevant parameter's errors about construction control and optimize its construction state.Secondly, as an example of Sui Fenhe cable-stayed bridge's swivel erection construction control, present the design and construction techniques of simple point supporting and even articulation and level swivel erection for long-span cable-stayed bridge, study its load-bearing system, balance system, power system and adjustment system in detail, check its static stability on the state of swivel erection construction and monitor the whole swivel erection construction.


The beginning stage in boat construction is the most impotant for Shinkwang in developing a faultless design and the design of Aquaquick's boats are based on safety and high performance.

型号长宽重最大动力气室数量载员气室直径载重 KG 包装 RIB520C 520 228 280 60HP 5 6 520 1200 460*180*80 标配:驾驶台,pvc坐垫,玻璃钢尾翼,玻璃钢锚架设计和建造DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION 开发完美的设计是制造游艇的重要前期阶段。DEEPBLUE游艇的设计具有良好的安全性、持久性、高效性的表现。

China's Petroleum Engineering Construction Group is constructing a $215 million export tanker terminal in the Port of Sudan, where a pipeline being built by another Chinese firm from the Melut Basin terminates.

中国石油集团工程设计有限责任公司(China Petroleum Engineering Construction Group)正在苏丹港负责建设一处价值2.15亿美圆的出口油轮终端。另一家中国公司则铺设了一条从Melut盆地到苏丹港的输油管线。

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Highway (Under Construction)
Under Construction
Construction Of The Masses, Pt.1
Construction Of The Masses, Pt.2

Were used by medieval physicians...


Article 19 Where the shareholders of a limited liability company or the directors and controlling shareholders of a joint stock company or the actual controllers of a company maliciously dispose of company properties and thus cause losses to any creditors after the company dissolution, or fail to make liquidation and cheat the company registration organ to deregister the legal person by means of a false liquidation report, if any creditors claim that the aforesaid shareholders, directors and controlling shareholders or actual controllers shall assume the corresponding civil liability for the debts of the company, the people' s court shall support the claim.


Now that he is absent ,you will have to do all the job by yourself.
