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与 constitute 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Accounting information of listed companies is not only the important constitute of security market, but also the source of deriving the other information.


Article 50 If any functionary of PBC divulges any state or commercial secret he acquires, which is serious enough to constitute a crime, he shall be prosecuted for criminal liabilities according to law.


Article 49 shall be changed into Article 50, which is modified as If any functionary of the PBC divulges any state or commercial secret he acquires, which is serious enough to constitute a crime, he shall be prosecuted for criminal liabilities according to law.


As a agricultural country, there are plenty of resources in our country, according to statistics, every year there are 3.4826 billion tons dungs and 0.62 bilbon tons straws in rural of China, these organic wastes constitute the main garbages of the rural, so applying anaerobic biological fermentation method to produce hydrogen from the dungs and straws has important meanings whether in recovering energy or managing the environment.


The number that the article emigrates through working to China, industry distributings, the analysis of the respect such as contribution of remittance, economy points out, chinese labor immigrant is safe to the economy of Russia did not constitute menace, they are ambitious to the openly benefit of Russia economy safety at negative effect.


"Grand feu" enamelling is one of the expert techniques that constitute the signature of a Jaquet Droz watch. Master dial-makers perform this operation entirely by hand, playing with fine powders and subjecting them to fire.

&大明火&珐琅工艺是一项专门工艺技术,正是这种技术构成了Jaquet Droz手表的标志,其操作工序完全由大师级的表盘制作家通过手工来制造完成,他们精选上等材料粉末剂,用大明火高温烧制而成。

And in situations, such as the United States, where the general populace is enfranchised and invited to have a voice in public policy, public education, social services, and so on, Christians may work to ensure that the Word of God is heard and is given room among the many other voices which will constitute the heterogenous whole.

和的情况下,如美国,一般民众是enfranchised ,并邀请有一个声音在公共政策,公共教育,社会服务等,基督徒可能的工作,以确保上帝的话是听取和是鉴于室之间的许多其他的声音,这将构成异质性的整体。

Our military protected this process, but from the Marshall Plan to our aid missions in Asia and Africa, the core long-run strategy of our country has been to engage the world and stabilize it by enmeshing other countries in a web of institutions and successful economic practices that constitute the kind of world we want.


Any staff member serving in the authority responsible for foreign trade in accordance with this Law, who extorts property from others with job convenience or illegally accepts others' property and seeks advantages for them in return shall be prosecuted for criminal liabilities if the case constitutes a crime, or shall be subject to administrative sanctions if the case does not constitute a crime in accordance with the law.

w/ w9 g7 p# f1 \9 V 依照本法负责对外贸易管理工作的部门的工作人员利用职务上的便利,索取他人财物,或者非法收受他人财物为他人谋取利益,构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任;尚不构成犯罪的,依法给予行政处分。

One article is added as Article 3: Officers constitute part of the state functionaries.

第三条 增加一条,作为第三条:军官是国家工作人员的组成部分。

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The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
