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与 constitute 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The industrial policy will constantly adjust and evolve every area all over the world, the cowing of the position of economic globalization, technological, progress and economic structural redressed Qinghai is a resourceful province, according to the change of new economic situation, it is important for Qinghai economic development how to constitute appropriate industrial policy, define the direction of industrial redressed, change inferior position into superiority and develop characteristic economy.


We should analyze this kind of situation upwards in four aspects: Firstly, if the actions which the non-national official accepts the bribe, are the main factors or playing a dominant role in the process, it would be regarded as common crime. Secondly, whether the family members of national official can constitute the main body of common bribery crime or not, it should be analyzed according to the characteristic and situation of bribery. Thirdly, when national official and company staff accepts bribery together by one"s duty, he should be criminated as the crime quality of the person who commits a crime by his duty. When the national official accepts the bribery by his duty or by his duty and other"s duty together, he should be criminated as bribery crime. But for the company staff, he should be criminated as the bribery crime of non-national official. Fourthly, when the national official asks the briber to send property to the third person, he would be criminated as bribery crime. And it will be analyzed concretely whether the third person is the common bribery crime or not. But the national official who tells the non-national official to ask and accept property should be the common bribery crime.


surface layer is road surface engineering of importance constitute part and ensure a surface layer the quality is a highway engineering of a little bit hot and one of the cruxes.


In countries like France, where the peasants constitute far more than half of the population, it was natural thatwriters who sided with the proletariat against the bourgeoisie, should use, in their criticism of the bourgeoisregime, the standard of the peasant and petty bourgeois, and from the standpoint of these intermediate classesshould take up the cudgels for the working class.


Article 82 is changed into Article 85, which is modified as:"In case an employee of a commercial bank defalcates, embezzles or encroaches the capital of the bank or the clients by availing himself of his position, which constitutes a crime, he shall be subject to criminal liabilities according to law; or shall be imposed a disciplinary punishment if his act is not serious enough to constitute a crime".


Article 85 In case an employee of a commercial bank defalcates, embezzles or encroaches the capital of the bank or the clients by availing himself of his position, which constitutes a crime, he shall be subject to criminal liabilities according to law; or shall be imposed a disciplinary punishment if his act is not serious enough to constitute a crime.


This thesis learns from the practical experience of the state fiscal expenditures in the developed country. Firstly, it analyzes the status quo China"s fiscal expenditure structure. Then considering the actual conditions of our country, this thesis deflates and deals with the number of 27 observations on our country"s fiscal expenditures constitute projects from 1978 to 2004 and economic growth by using various econometric methods, and grasps the contribution degree of fiscal expenditure, especially productive expenditure, to the economic development through the empirical analysis of fiscal expenditure projects contributions to economic development.


Qualifications (1) The documents should purport to constitute the transactions which they effect, mere prior directions to do the acts, or subsequent narratives of them, being inadmissible. Thus, though expired leases, licences and grants may be tendered, even against strangers, to show ancient possession of the property demised, or reserved from the demise, recitals therein of other documents or facts will be rejected, except as admission.


Qualifications (1) The documents should purport to constitute the transactions which they effect, mere prior directions to do the acts, or subsequent narratives of them, being inadmissible. Thus, though expired leases, licences and grants may be tendered, even against strangers, to show ancient possessionof the property demised, or reserved from the demise, recitals therein of other documents or facts will be rejected, except as admission.


Article 46 Where the person in charge of a unit persecutes or retaliates against the accounting personnel, who perform their duties according to law and oppose acts violating the provisions of this Law, by means of demoting to a lower rank, removing from post,transferring working post,dismissing from employment or expelling from the units, etc., and therefore constitute a crime, criminal responsibility shall be investigated in accordance with law; if no crime is constituted, administrative sanctions shall be imposed according to law by the units to which they belong or the unit concerned.


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The objective is to subjugate and discourage the people, because that allows the elite to continue to rule unopposed.


GOD,this is the second time you vanquished me!


So a kind of strong antagonism permeated in the relations of two countries.
