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与 consolidated 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The left-wing and right-wing Asianism consolidated.


Confucianism has the greatest esteem for moral subject that has a harmonious and consolidated relationship with the nature,yet against the cognitive and axiological subject that opposite and separated from the nature.


The latter contains well-consolidated structural breccia, cataclastic and mylonitic rocks.


METHODS: The 8 patients underwent mandibular distraction osteogenesis,and altogether 16 distractors were placed through extraoral or intraoral incisions for bilateral distraction. The distraction device proceeded at the rate of 1 to 1.5 mm per day and consolidated for 4 to 12 weeks.

8例患者均行牵引成骨技术牵引双侧下颌骨治疗,经口内或口外途径共安放16个牵引器,牵引速度1~1.5 mm/d,固定4~12周,随访2~18个月。

With five years of training and experience,the company has many talented registrerd architects and professional interior designers and engineers from China and aborad.through designer's expertise and creative ideas with crtting edge computer technology and consolidated management team,the company has had many well-known and successful projects in shanghai company has earned a high reputation and outstanding frack recofd on design and architure fields.it is not only the result of hard work from our staff bty also for expanding America TIA into China and establish a solid foundation.


Years, Zijin Mining major acquisition projects are as follows: May 27, with the Philippines Lepanto Consolidated Mining Company signed a memorandum of understanding to acquire 70 million U.S. dollars to the Far Southeast Gold Resource , Inc (hereinafter referred to as "FSGRI") 20% of the shares; August 12, to spend 864 million yuan to buy 40 percent of Qinghai Copper Westphalia stake; November 7 to 88.45 million yuan to buy 49% of Zijin Copper stake.

年,紫金矿业重大收购项目如下:5月27日与菲律宾莱潘托联合矿业公司签署了一项谅解收购七千点○万美元到远东东南黄金资源公司(以下简称备忘录作为&FSGRI&)20%的股份,8月12日,花费8.640亿元收购40铜的青海威斯特法伦州的股份百分之; 11月7日至8845.00万元收购紫金铜49%股权。

Hostilities with Syria continued; but Simon, the last of the Maccabean brothers, consolidated his power and was formally recognized in 131 BC as ruler and high priest.


While the Islam was accepted by the West Sudanese society,it in turn consolidated the social position of the Mande Traders and further promoted their long-distance trade.


In applications where the product proves particularly stubborn to move and can become consolidated in the silo, a toothed screw along with the MORILLON patented "booster" unit is incorporated in the system.

在产品证明特别倔强对移动,可能成为巩固在筒仓的应用,一个齿状的螺丝与MORILLON 一起给予专利&助推器&单位被合并在系统。

As disclosed in Note 4 to the Consolidated Financial Statements,the Company had outstanding unsecured debt of $500 million and $600 million at December 31,1998 and 1997,respectively,of which debt repressents only 12.1 percent and 14.5 percent of total noncurrent assets at December 31,1998 and 1997,respectively.

如笔记 4 所揭露,对被联合的财务报表,分别地,公司在十二月 31,1998 和 1997 有了五亿元和六亿元的杰出的不保护债务,哪一个债务 repressents 只有 12.1%和 14.5%的总计非现在的资产在十二月 31,1998 和 1997,分别地。

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Between The Lines
John Blaze
John Blaze
Belt Holders
You'll Rock
Thug Passion

Thirdly, in order to get the high temperature sterilization method of Typha latifolia.L, the effect of intensity, time and temperature of sterilization on the color score, shear force, color difference, ascorbic acid content is measured. The optical high temperature sterilization method is to heat the raw material of Typha latifolia.L in water at 100℃ for 4min then cool fast, after vacuum package the Typha latifolia.L is sterilized at 115℃ for 15.92min and then cool entirely.

再次,为了得到蒲菜的合适高温杀菌条件,分别研究了杀菌强度、杀菌时间、杀菌温度对蒲菜的色泽感官评分、剪切力、色差、还原 Vc 含量的影响,最终得到了蒲菜的高温杀菌工艺为:将蒲菜 100℃热烫 4 分钟后快速冷却,真空包装后在 115℃杀菌 15.92 分钟后彻底冷却即成。

"I should be clear," he said apologetically to doctor Winter


OBJECTIVE: To prepare cholesterol succinyl chitosan anchored liposomes, and to investigate the effect of CHCS anchored liposomes on the release property in vitro of loading drugs taking epirubicin as a model drug.
