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与 consolidated 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

"Toot toot ox " Internet bar cinema, consolidated for the Internet bar not only passenger source, fostered epigone of a batch of movie and TV, also made certain contribution to popularize movie career.


I find it useful to think of the world economy's equity capital in the context of the global consolidated balance sheet.


By abolishing estate duty and exempting offshore funds from profits tax, we have further consolidated our position as a major asset management centre.

金融服务业是香港的重要经济支柱,直接贡献本地生产总值约百分之十三,雇用超过 180 000 人。

Between February 28th and March 3rd, Feria de Madrid hosted CLIMATIZACION 2007, the International Air-Conditioning, Heating, Ventilation and Refrigeration Exhibition, which at its twelfth occurence, has consolidated its position as the leading point of reference for the air-conditioning sector and one of the most outstanding trade events for the heating and refrigeration industry.

2月28日至3月3日期间,Feria de Madrid公司主办了2007国际空调制冷及暖通卫浴展览会,此次展会是第十二届展会,巩固了作为空调部分的主要领导者地位,也将成为空调行业最突出的贸易活动之一。

In this paper, three-dimensional finite element models are set up for structures with different consolidated bases with ANSYS software.


Feed Readers, also commonly known as RSS readers, blog readers, feed readers, aggregators, feed aggregators or news readers, is a software or service that retrieves syndicated Web content that is supplied in the form of a web feed (RSS, Atom, RDF and other XML formats), and that are published by weblogs, podcasts, vlogs, and mainstream mass media websites, and provides a consolidated view of the content in a single browser display or desktop application.

饲料读者,也俗称的RSS阅读器,博客读者,饲料读者,信息汇集,饲料汇集或新闻的读者,是一个软件或服务撷取集团的网页内容,就是在供应的形式,一个Web饲料( RSS的原子, RDF的和其他XML格式),并且是公布的博客,播客, vlogs ,和主流传媒的网站,并提供一个综合的看法的内容在一个单一的浏览器显示或桌面应用程序。

From the influence mechanism to the enterprise development, the custom through three steps: the marginal search, the path-dependence and the knowledge sharing, strengthened organizational memory, consolidated collective mental models, regulated enterprise behavior, by the tacit knowledge or the encoded knowledge, in order to promote enterprise formulization and the institution management and realize the development goal for stabilization and high efficiency.


The Ascendant Voice Mobility Suite enables users to make their BlackBerry device operate as a work desk phone, by extending a comprehensive set of corporate desk phone features to their device, including four or five digit transfer, conferencing, consolidated voicemail and single number reachability.


The company reported its second consecutive consolidated net loss, JPY709.4 billion for FYE 3/09 -- a record loss.

该公司已公布其第二次连续合并净亏损,2009年3月为 JPY 709.4亿,创亏损纪录新高。

The Gabion Technique, as its consolidated pliability, good penetrability, wearing well and being suit for vegetation, is more and more used in embankment harnessing and slope protection in recent years in China.


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Between The Lines
John Blaze
John Blaze
Belt Holders
You'll Rock
Thug Passion

Our company slogan is "the needs of customers is our pursuit."


The experimental results show as follows: Slag could inhibit the cracking of concrete within the range of certain proportion. With the increase of slag proportion the selfshrinking of concrete increases, but the drying shrinkage of concrete decreases.


Just as every English school child knows Rowena, Rebecca, Ivanhoe, and Sir Brian de Bois Guilbert, so every French reader knows the poor but beautiful gypsy Esmeralda with her little goat; the alchemist-priest Claude Frollo, who desires her; and Quasimodo, the "hunchback of Notre Dame," who loves her and tries to save her.
