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与 congress 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

But many democrats voiced strong opposition ,among them California Congress woman Barble LeeIt does not strike the proper balance between protecting National security and preserving our chari's civil liberty.

不过很多民主党元发表他们的反对意见,美国国会女议员中的Barbara Lee说"保护国家安全和保存我们珍贵的民主权之间的平衡点兵不因为这一点儿被打破。"

Because these companies were chartered by Congress, many believed they were guaranteed by the federal government.


President Jefferson heard about Chase's statement. He told a member of Congress that he was concerned. Jefferson asked: Should this judge's attack on the ideas of our Constitution go without punishment?


Bills are moving in Congress aimed at forcing China to cheapen its currency quickly.


He renounced his claim to the chieftainship because he didn't want to oppress the people as a ruler. In 1944,he joined the African National Congress, known as ANC, a black-liberation group ,and in 1949 he became one of its leaders , helping to revitalize the organization and opposing the apartheid policies South Africa's official system of segregation and discrimination against the country's nonwhite majority. In 1960, after the police shot more than 200 unarmed black protesters at Sharpeville and the government banned the ANC, Mandela abandoned his nonviolent stance and began to advocate acts of sabotage.


Some in Congress opposed the law because of its potential chilling effect on small companies.


The Seventeenth Congress of the CPC indicated:to support the labor union, the Chinese Communist Youth League, the women's federation and other people's organization, according to law and regulations, to participate in public social management and public service, to protect the legal rights of the people.


In May 1957, in the New Democratic Youth League to convene the Third National Congress, upon the approval of the CPC Central Committee, the Assembly decided to renamed the New Democratic Youth League of China Communist Youth League. Since then, the Chinese Communist Youth League to follow the party embarked on to explore China's own twists and turns of the road of building socialism.


The name Oklahoma comes from two Choctaw Indian words, okla, which means "people," and humma, which means "red." In 1889, Congress opened up 2 million acres for white settlement (it was previously open only to Native Americans who were forced to leave their homelands), and the first of a number of land runs began.

奥克拉荷马源自两个巧克陶族印第安字,一为代表「人」的 okla ,另一个则是代表「红」的 humma 。1889年时,国会开放了2百万畂地让白人移民定居(本来这块土地只开放给那些被迫离开既有家乡的美国原住民居住),但少部分土地早就已经有人捷足先登了。

Chrysler executives needed to convince Congress to grant $2.7 billion in loan guarantees to Chrysler, a private corporation that was not an essential part of the national defense establishment.


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This paper discusses design and realizable methods of remote test output interface from logical design angle.


This also 星体投射plies to buildings, structures and geological features.


We all hope for a better life.
