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与 confirmations 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Declarations and confirmations of declarations are to be in writing and be formally notified to the depositary.


Declarations and confirmations of declarations are to be in writing and to be formally notified to the depositary.


The type of hundredweight or ton should be clearly stated in quotations and in sales confirmations.


The fact that Einstein's preditions matched what we wase seen. While Newton's did not, was one of the crucial confirmations of the new theory.


Both confirmations of the adress must be either originals or be notarized by a notary public;or certified by a bank,accountant,lawyer or member of the judiciary or senior civil servant,If certified should sign the copy document and clearly indicating his position or capacity on it together contact adress and phone NO.


"Turn thy face toward the Kingdom of God, ask for the bestowals of the Holy Spirit, speak, and the confirmations of the Spirit will come."


Moreover, with regard to each and all provisions and collations of ecclesiastical benefices, confirmations of elections and petitions, grants of concessions, mandates and indults, of whatever kind, concerning both favours and matters of justice or both together, of whatever sense they may be -- which things we wish to be regarded as clearly stated in the present letter -- which were made by the synagogue or quasi-council of Pisa and its schismatic adherents, lacking all authority and merit, though they are indeed null and void, yet, for greater caution, we decree, with the approval of the said sacred council, that they are null and of no effect, force or importance; and that each individual, of whatever rank, status, grade, nobility, order or condition, to whom they were granted, or to whose convenience, advantage or honour they pertain, are to give up their fruits, incomes and profits, or to arrange for this to be done, and they are bound to restore both these things and their benefices and to give up the other aforesaid concessions, and that unless they have really and completely given up the benefices themselves and the other things granted to them, within two months from the date of this present letter, they are automatically deprived of the other ecclesiastical benefices which they hold by lawful title.

此外,关於每一个和所有条款和校对的教会benefices ,确认选举和请愿书,赠款的让步,任务和indults ,无论那种,都倾向於和有关事项的司法或两者一起,无论他们可能是意义-这是我们希望被看作是中明确指出本信-这是由犹太教堂或准安理会比萨及其分裂的信徒,都缺乏权威和价值,但它们实际上是无效的,但,有更大的谨慎,我们法令批准,该理事会表示,神圣的,他们是完全没有效果,武力或重要性和每一个人,无论职位高低,身份,等级,贵族,命令或条件,以他们被授予或其方便,优势或履行它们涉及,是放弃自己的水果,收入和利润,或安排这样做,他们的约束,以恢复这些事情都和他们的benefices和放弃其他上述让步,除非他们真正和彻底放弃benefices自己和其他的东西给他们,在两个月内之日起的本信,他们会自动被剥夺了其他教会benefices他们搁置的合法所有权。

Friends here sometimes talk with sadness about missing grandmothers' funerals, brothers' weddings, nephews' and nieces' bar mitzvahs and confirmations and other family functions large and small.


The psychologists pass numerous fact confirmations, this parlances: want to want to make oneself soon set free from low the emotion for falling, you must make you cry.


Reports, written confirmations, notices, and any other communications may be transmitted to the Client (who, in the case of a joint account without nominating a person therefor will be deemed for these purposes to be the Client whose name first appears in the Schedule hereto) at the address, e-mail address or telephone or facsimile number or telex number given herein, or the Web Facility, or at such other address, e-mail address or telephone numbers as the Client hereafter shall notify the Company in writing or by such means accepted by the Company, and all communications so transmitted, whether by e-mail, mail, telegraph, telephone, messenger or otherwise, shall be deemed transmitted when e-mailed, telephoned or when deposited in the mail, or when received by a transmitting agent, whether actually received by the Client or not.


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No clear conclusions can be made about the predictie alidity of specific measures, they found, except for criteria for the underuse of drugs for cardioascular disease.


The third and last is that almost all of them, being infinite in number, have been impostures, and by idle and crafty brains merely contrived and feigned after the event past.


This horse had the power of speech and was sure to win all the car riageraces in ece.
