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conference call相关的网络例句

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与 conference call 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Then while you're interviewing, I'll call, you can conference me in.


But if you have more to say, I suggest you call your own press conference.


I want you to call for a press conference now.


To provide a platform for the personnel of legal practice circles to contact exchange and share information and promote the growth of law profession community, as well as under the friendly support of BAC, New York State Bar Association Beijing Branch and the Arbitration Professional Committee of Beijing Municipal Lawyers Association jointly held symposium in the international conference hall of BAC on the evening of July 30, 2009. The director of international department of New York State Bar Association Mr. Michael Galligan expressed congratulations on symposium from New York through overseas call, New York State Bar Association Shanghai Branch also attended the activity by means of remote video.

为了给法律实务界人士提供一个接触交流和分享信息的平台,促进法律职业共同体的成长,在北京仲裁委员会的友情支持下,纽约州律师协会北京分会、北京市律师协会仲裁专业委员会于2009年7月30日晚在北仲的国际会议厅联合举行酒会,纽约州律师协会国际部主任Michael Galligan先生从纽约通过越洋电话向酒会表示祝贺,纽约州律师协会上海分会也通过远程视频方式共同参加了活动。

As for whether some peasant household grow the ginger or not, whether with what person make what sale contract, belong to his independent voluntary behavior completely, have no contract relation of the law meaning with us, plant the ginger conference that is just a kind of to call for the leading of sex.


The rating given is 3.5 out of possible 5 and the pros for the phone are untethers Skype users from the desktop; easy access to contacts; speed dialing and call waiting; intercom-style calling between multiple handsets, while the cons are no conference calling capability when the user is away from the desktop.

评级给予3.5出5和可能的利弊,为手机untethers Skype用户从桌面上;容易获得接触的机会;快速拨号和呼叫等待;对讲机式的通话之间的多个手机,而考虑,没有电话会议的能力当用户远离桌面上。

His call for a big Middle East peace conference in Paris came to nothing.


If there is a need, please call Small-size Conference, is looking forward to cooperate with you to create brilliant.


The Ministerial Declaration and the Cotonou Strategy adopted at the Ministerial Conference of the Least Developed Countries held in Benin last June reiterated the call of the Program of Action.


Asian film director Zhang Jian, starring Lin-xi-yan, Deng Chao, Su, Tong Dawei,Nie Yuan, Huang Bo, Lysenko, Zhang Ning, and so will attend the conference, co-start,"Love Call 2: about love," the nationalpremiere.


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Conference Call
Conference Call

Prima rily, the prime crimina l's crime has nothing to do with lime and overtime.


Some would fail and some would prosper,some would die and some would kill,some would thank the Lord for their deliverance, and some would curse John Sutter's Mill.


The origin of multicellular forms of life seems a relatively simple step compared to the origin of life itself.
