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conference call相关的网络例句

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与 conference call 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Now these are primarily web-based, however the old-time telephone conference call is still widely used.


Dave Orton mentioned in a conference call that they probably couldn\'t hit their targets for the x1800XT with the 0.11 nanometer process they used with previous generations of video cards.


On that day, Pec did not attend the conference call, and this interpretation.


However, as the three-time titleholder told the media in a recent conference call,"There are a lot of names in the welterweight division"


Amylin CEO Daniel Bradbury told analysts on a conference call that the company has since received positive feedback from doctors.

亚莫林公司首席执行官 Daniel Bradbury 在一个会议上告诉分析家们,号召公司今后要接受医生的确实的反馈意见

Had sent Amylin's shares down 13 percent and investors and analysts questioned the company's failure to issue a news release or hold a conference call to discuss it.


Keryx to Host Investor Conference Call on Thursday, August 6, 2009 at 8:30am EDT

Keryx到主机投资者电话会议星期四, 2009年8月6日美国东部时间上午

Mr Reeves says without an agenda, a conference call can quickly become rudderless or hijacked.


A conference call on 26th November 09 for bondholders of Nakheel, the Dubai-owned property company at the centre of the storm, collapsed after phone lines were swamped with callers.

由Nakheel -迪拜拥有的房地产公司的公司债券持有人於09年11月26日召开电话会议,但电话线太繁忙而会议取消。

You should expect us to continue to balance revenue growth and profitability by managing our costs, investing in market opportunities, and levering our strength in notebooks, consumer, and emerging markets, Hurd said in a conference call with analysts after the earnings release.

你应该期待我们继续平衡利润成长和获利能力,藉由控制我们的成本,市场机会的投资,以及杠杆操作我们在笔记型电脑,消费者和新兴市场的优势, Hurd 收益公布后和分析师们的一场电话会议中说道

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Conference Call
Conference Call

Prima rily, the prime crimina l's crime has nothing to do with lime and overtime.


Some would fail and some would prosper,some would die and some would kill,some would thank the Lord for their deliverance, and some would curse John Sutter's Mill.


The origin of multicellular forms of life seems a relatively simple step compared to the origin of life itself.
