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conference call相关的网络例句

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与 conference call 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Do Something promises "a significant social return on investment", quarterly performance updates and a conference call with management. But none of these recent philanthropic IPOs actually gives investors voting rights, unlike during the boom in "joint-stock philanthropy" in 18th-century England. Back then, social entrepreneurs such as Thomas Coram, who started the Foundling Hospital in London, were fired when they failed to perform.

Do sth承诺将会为投资带来巨大的可观的社会回报,另外每季度Do sth都会公布最新的业绩动态并会和管理层开会,但是现在还没有一些慈善性的IPO实际上给了投资者投票权,这一点和英国18世纪的联合股份慈善事业的繁荣时期之操作模式是不同的,在18世纪,社会企业家比如Coram在伦敦创办了Foundling 医院,但是因为不能实现预期的表现被投资者解雇了。

"I applaud the employees who are returning the bonuses," Cuomo said during a conference call with reporters.

"我为那些正在归还奖金的雇员鼓掌。"Cuomo 在一个电话会议中对记者说。

During a conference call with reporters, he said he was proud to have finished his career 117 games over .500 "or something like that," but he knew his number was dead-on.


Eckert, the chairman and chief executive of Mattel,on a conference call this afternoon.


"We take this very seriously," said Robert A. Eckert, the chairman and chief executive of Mattel, on a conference call this afternoon.


Chao said during a conference call that mobile revenue would likely be 'flattish' in the second half of the year because of increasing competition.


Hurd in the conference call conceded that we need to do a better job in inventory management, and you should expect us to work on reducing inventory levels going forward.

Hurd 在电话会议中勉强承认我们需要在存货管理上做得更好,而你们也当期望我们能够在减少存货程度的工作上更进一步。。。。

When you are on an interminable conference call, it makes sense to catch up with some e-mailing.


We do not see that we have any similar situation to the one that is being discussed, said Mr Krause, referring to the SEC case against Goldman, in response to a question from an analyst during a conference call.


Maintain the office facilities as projector, conference call machine, camera, loud-speaker and remote mouse, ensure the work condition.


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Conference Call
Conference Call

Prima rily, the prime crimina l's crime has nothing to do with lime and overtime.


Some would fail and some would prosper,some would die and some would kill,some would thank the Lord for their deliverance, and some would curse John Sutter's Mill.


The origin of multicellular forms of life seems a relatively simple step compared to the origin of life itself.
