英语人>网络例句>concern with 相关的网络例句
concern with相关的网络例句

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与 concern with 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

That he had anything to do with the concern, she could not tell, but because he happened to be looking in her direction her weaken ing heart misgave her and she hurried by, too overcome with shame to enter.


In the case of H1N1, the concern is primarily with the nasal spray variation , which is made with live virus.


Of late years, Along with the development of computer、artificial intelligence and nerve net ,it become one of the problem that the corporations concern, that is how to combine the computer with the theory of distillation and apply it to fault diagnosis of distillation column.


Pass observation of clinical curative effect, cure can enhance Chinese traditional medicine fitness, improve immune function, control allergic source, the upper respiratory tract relapses the symptom such as infection, have main effect to reducing blood in the urine, albuminuria, draft the root of remembranous milk vetch, Asian puccoon oneself, yuan grass of armour of ginseng, madder, 37 ginseng, plain hill, horsewhip, Bai Maogen, n/bot glossy privet child group waiting for medicine square, heat up detoxify with Yu Qing, invigorate the circulation of blood whitewashs Yu, cool blood filling kidney of hemostatic, method of treating yin deficiency by reinforcing body fluid and nourishing the blood administer a law, achieve the goal that administer thoroughly. 1 data and method 1 · 1 clinical data: 186 patients all are outpatient service case of illness, accord with Minica to concern the diagnostic standard of purpuric sex nephritis, among them the male 105, female 81, come on on average age 8~13 year old, time sees a doctor after coming on 3 months ~1 year, have direct allergen 86, have apparent infection 20, the others cause of disease is same.


Weaknesses: Defensively Tucker could stand to improve on his intensity … Doesn't seem to possess great anticipation skills nor the awareness to play the passing lanes … Ball handling, while improved, still isn't great … Perimeter shooting remains prone to streakiness … Not a great shooter coming off screens … Solid three point shooter when his feet are set but struggles to hit with regularity due in part to his slow release … Despite being a great athlete, Tucker rarely explodes off the dribble due to his average first step … Doesn't always use the mid-range jumper to his advantage, often he'll slash to the basket or shoot the three … From a position standpoint there is concern about what position he will play in the NBA … While blessed with athleticism, he may struggle to shoot consistently enough to play shooting guard and his height might be a detriment at small forward … While his game has progressed considerably over the past 5 years, one has to wonder how much more he can improve … Below average free throw shooting limits his ability to take full advantage of the contact he creates … BY Matthew Maurer

弱点:Tucker应坚持提高他在防守中的紧张程度。没有让大家看到令人期待的技能。边缘的投射仍然有些忧虑,犹豫。持球能力在提高,但仍然不是很好。。。三秒区也没意识到传球。在脱离掩护后不是名很好的射手。定点时稳定的3分射手。但他仍尽力使自己的得分更加稳定,有规律。很大程度是因为他的慢热。而且作为优秀的运动员,Tucker很少突然运球加速,因为他启动速度不是很快。。。他不总用他中距离跳投的优势,他经常slash to the basket或投射3分。。。他现在很担心忧虑自己将会在NBA中担任什么位置。。。当他有幸得到良好的运动热情,他可能去担当得分后卫而且他的身高不利于打SF。当他过去5年已经有了相当大的进步,人们都对他还有多大的提高空间感到疑问。他低于平均水准的罚球能力限制了他利用身体优势造对手犯规然后得分这种战术的实施。

So the implementation of the plan, the company completed four goals, quality assurance : surveillance commodities, with companies and state laws and regulations on food commodities weighing, ensure compliance with the national minimum deviation strict control of goods in the transfer of the company to ensure that no damage to five commodities, risk management : the accident prone pairs of equipment, operational problems in a timely and found to be improved six, loss management : assessment procedures for all departments to look for the company to reduce expenses of opportunity for me to honesty, integrity, self-discipline and skills, during the Wal-Mart agreement by the leadership of the department authorized to work reasonable arrangement to complete its work on time, other staff and colleagues live tacit understanding, mutual assistance and concern.

姓名:xxx 学历:本科特长:熟练使用Office办公软件,各种办公设备所在单位:工作年限:2003年9月至今职位:职能:1、协调本部门工作,合理安排员工岗位工作 2、负责新员工的入职培训工作 3、拟定次月工作计划,以便有计划的实施、完成公司目标 4、质量保证:抽查检验商品,是否符合公司及国家法律法规对食品商品进行称重,保证符合国家最小偏差严格控制商品的在公司内的交接,确保商品无损坏 5、风险管理:对易造成事故的设备问题、操作问题及时的发现并予以改进 6、损耗管理:评估各部门程序,寻找减少公司费用开支的机会点本人诚实正直,自我约束能力强,在沃尔玛工作期间一致受到部门领导的认可,能够将工作安排合理,准时完成工作目标,与其他员工同事相处默契,互相帮助,互相关心。

I think that rather than trying to go through the back door with unreasonably low …it is much better to go directly through the front door with the legitimate concern that there is a chance, whose subjective probability is small but diffuse, that global warming may eventually cause disastrous temperatures and environmental catastrophes.


And like trompe loeil surrealism is not quite part of art or art history, for their concern is with a metaphysical dimension, and not with matters of style.


The appearance of the Mach 2.8-capable MiG-25 Foxbat in 1967 frightened Defense Department analysts and prompted a redirection in USAF fighter plans, with high performance once again becoming the primary concern. The F-X concept was eventually to emerge as the McDonnell Douglas F-15 Eagle, a twin-engined fighter with advanced avionics and long-range missiles.

在 1967 年马赫 2.8 与米格 25 Foxbat 的涌现使防御部门分析员感到吃惊,并推动了美国空军中的一个战斗机打算,并一度成为其时最受关注的焦点。F-X 概念是作为麦克唐纳道格拉斯 F 15 鹰最终涌现的,一架拥有高级航空电子与远程导弹的双引擎的战斗机。

The appearance of the Mach 2.8-capable MiG-25 Foxbat in 1967 frightened Defense Department analysts and prompted a redirection in USAF fighter plans with high performance once again becoming the primary concern. The F-X concept was eventually to emerge as the McDonnell Douglas F-15 Eagle a twin-engined fighter with advanced avionics and long-range missiles.

在 1967 年马赫 2.8 与米格 25 Foxbat 的出现使防御部门分析员感到吃惊2010年校园元旦对联,并推动了美国空军中的一个战斗机计划,并一度成为当时最受关注的焦点。F-X 概念是作为麦克唐纳道格拉斯 F 15 鹰最终出现的,一架拥有高级航空电子与远程导弹的双引擎的战斗机。

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The reasons of iron ions content overproof in grade Ⅱ desalting water system,such as variation water quality,contamination of regenerant , operation adjustment of pretreatment system and switching operation of bed were discussed.


You were hired to drum up new business, so go and do it.


Who is in possession of this?
