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concern with相关的网络例句

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与 concern with 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This Lieutenant of Police, whose title was changed in 1674 to Lieutenant-General of Police, in addition to his regular duties as a criminal judge, was sometimes required by the king to concern himself with matters gravely affecting the well-being of France and the aureole of glory with which Louis XIV always aspired to surround himself.


Consequently architectural form becomes the dominant concern and with it symmetrie as an organizing principle is reintroduced (after the Modern Movement, the de Stijl, had eliminated symetrie, axiality and the facade together with other principles of classical-composition).


As one navigates around Hong Kong's archipelago of skyscrapers, connected by overhead walkways, one now looks with some concern at the AIG Tower and perhaps with a little more respect at the dark-glass cutting edge of IM Pei's Bank of China tower - although Norman Foster's HSBC still seems to be holding up well.

就像在香港那些被人行天桥相互连接着的各种摩天大楼穿行,人们在看 AIG 大厦时可能会充满忧虑,而看贝聿铭设计的那幢深色玻璃外墙,呈刀刃状的中银大厦时,却可以让人感到更加自信--虽然福斯特设计的汇丰大厦也还挺得下去。

Amid mounting international concern over escalating violence, Mr Blair is expected to use today's Downing Street talks with Iraq's deputy prime minister, Barham Saleh, to discuss plans for an exit strategy for British troops, with some ministers openly contemplating withdrawal inside a year.

处于国际社会对伊暴力冲突升级不断担心漩涡中的布莱尔希望通过今天在唐宁街与伊拉克副总理Barham Saleh的会谈来探讨英军的撤离战略。一些大臣公开表示希望撤离在一年内完成。

In the late 1970s he ceased working with models and began to concern himself more and more with stilllifc, into which he incor-porated objects of a bric-a-brac culture that eventually took on essential importance in his later color work.


Chaperonage economy of fly to develop soon with with this corresponds of society compete of turn worse increasingly, social people to education, is the concern degree of the farmer sons and daughters' education is more and more high particularly


But in the process of comprehensive practical activities, I truly feel, They and the spirit of unity and cooperation among their clan with the concern and help, I feel at home there is a sense of obligation to work with staff are very act Bubanbici completed are not responsible for their own within the scope of tasks, clansmen their participation and solidarity spirit of cooperation we should learn.


For the residential market, select the overall quality of high brand, market and competitive advantages of real estate; affordable housing market in spite of low income, but low-risk, major support by the government, you can choose to intervene;商用房office market and the market , basic over-supply, and market volatility, and need to be treated with caution; land bank credit institutions, in strict accordance with the provisions of the ratio of the central bank issued, and we should focus on support for business space, from merit-based election, the closure operation, the whole track, strengthen monitoring, careful operation, agencies involved in land reserve land planning, acquisition, demolition, sorting, and development and the entire process of auction, the auction to ensure that the priority for return of funds to repay bank loans; second-hand housing market, relatively mature areas of concern; actively involved in national and regional development and construction projects, the focus of the market.


Nancy Collop, MD, an associate professor of medicine at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, Maryland, told Medscape,"It is most interesting to have data that confirm how prevalent insomnia is in patients with asthma and how this is really a public health concern because there are risks associated with daytime sleepiness — accidents, for example." Dr. Collop, who was not involved in the study, said the first therapeutic approach should be "asthma control. I really think that improved asthma control could help a number of these problems."

马里兰巴尔的摩约翰霍普金斯大学医学副教授Nancy Collop医师向Medscape表示,最有意义的是这项试验确立了气喘病患中失眠是多么常见的,而且因为这与白天嗜睡的风险,例如意外发生有关,因此这确实是公共卫生的一大隐忧;Collop医师没有参与这项试验,她表示,第一个应该做的治疗方式是控制气喘,她认为,改善对气喘的控制的确对这些问题是有帮助的。

Because partial patient is too as little as person communication, together with gets a lot of and bad influence of network world, break away from gradually with real world, become fear to interact with the person, concern is fie-fie before others, evasive and social activity, because this causes gregarious and scared disease,wait.


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The reasons of iron ions content overproof in grade Ⅱ desalting water system,such as variation water quality,contamination of regenerant , operation adjustment of pretreatment system and switching operation of bed were discussed.


You were hired to drum up new business, so go and do it.


Who is in possession of this?
