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computer-aided design相关的网络例句

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与 computer-aided design 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

PART 1 UNIT 1 B Electrical and Electronic Engineering Basics A Electrical Networks ———————————— 3 Three-phase Circuits A The Operational Amplifier ——————————— 5 UNIT 2 B Transistors A Logical Variables and Flip-flop —————————— 8 UNIT 3 B Binary Number System A Power Semiconductor Devices —————————— 11 UNIT 4 B Power Electronic Converters A Types of DC Motors —————————————15 UNIT 5 B Closed-loop Control of DC Drivers A AC Machines ———————————————19 UNIT 6 B Induction Motor Drive A Electric Power System ————————————22 UNIT 7 B PART 2 UNIT 1 B Power System Automation Control Theory A The World of Control ————————————27 —————29 The Transfer Function and the Laplace Transformation UNIT 2 B A Stability and the Time Response ————————— 30 Steady State————————————————— 31 A The Root Locus ————————————— 32 ————— 33 UNIT 3 B The Frequency Response Methods: Nyquist Diagrams UNIT 4 A The Frequency Response Methods: Bode Piots ————— 34 B Nonlinear Control System 37 UNIT 5 A Introduction to Modern Control Theory B State Equations 40 38 UNIT 6 A Controllability, Observability, and Stability B Optimum Control Systems UNIT 7 A Conventional and Intelligent Control B Artificial Neural Network Computer Control Technology A Computer Structure and Function 42 B Fundamentals of Computer and Networks 43 44 PART 3 UNIT 1 UNIT 2 A Interfaces to External Signals and Devices B The Applications of Computers 46 UNIT 3 A PLC Overview B PACs for Industrial Control, the Future of Control UNIT 4 A Fundamentals of Single-chip Microcomputer 49 B Understanding DSP and Its Uses 1 UNIT 5 A A First Look at Embedded Systems B Embedded Systems Design Process Control A A Process Control System B 50 PART 4 UNIT 1 Fundamentals of Process Control 52 53 UNIT 2 A Sensors and Transmitters B Final Control Elements and Controllers UNIT 3 A P Controllers and PI Controllers B PID Controllers and Other Controllers UNIT 4 A Indicating Instruments B Control Panels Control Based on Network and Information A Automation Networking Application Areas B Evolution of Control System Architecture PART 5 UNIT 1 UNIT 2 A Fundamental Issues in Networked Control Systems B Stability of NCSs with Network-induced Delay UNIT 3 A Fundamentals of the Database System B Virtual Manufacturing—A Growing Trend in Automation UNIT 4 A Concepts of Computer Integrated Manufacturing B Enterprise Resources Planning and Beyond Synthetic Applications of Automatic Technology A Recent Advances and Future Trends in Electrical Machine Drivers B System Evolution in Intelligent Buildings PART 6 UNIT 1 UNIT 2 A Industrial Robot B A General Introduction to Pattern Recognition UNIT 3 A Renewable Energy B Electric Vehicles UNIT 1 A

电路 2 电路或电网络由以某种方式连接的电阻器,电感器和电容器等元件组成。如果网络不包含能源,如电池或发电机,那么就被称作无源网络。换句话说,如果存在一个或多个能源,那么组合的结果为有源网络。在研究电网络的特性时,我们感兴趣的是确定电路中的电压和电流。因为网络由无源电路元件组成,所以必须首先定义这些元件的电特性。就电阻来说,电压-电流的关系由欧姆定律给出,欧姆定律指出:电阻两端的电压等于电阻上流过的电流乘以电阻值。在数学上表达为: u=iR (1-1A-1)式中 u=电压,伏特;i =电流,安培;R =电阻,欧姆。纯电感电压由法拉第定律定义,法拉第定律指出:电感两端的电压正比于流过电感的电流随时间的变化率。因此可得到:U=Ldi/dt 式中 di/dt =电流变化率,安培/秒; L =感应系数,享利。电容两端建立的电压正比于电容两极板上积累的电荷 q 。因为电荷的积累可表示为电荷增量 dq 的和或积分,因此得到的等式为 u=,式中电容量 C 是与电压和电荷相关的比例常数。由定义可知,电流等于电荷随时间的变化率,可表示为 i = dq/dt。因此电荷增量 dq 等于电流乘以相应的时间增量,或 dq = i dt,那么等式(1-1A-3)可写为式中 C =电容量,法拉。

PART 1 Electrical and Electronic Engineering Basics UNIT 1 A Electrical Networks B Three-phase Circuits UNIT 2 A The Operational Amplifier ——————————— 5 B Transistors UNIT 3 A Logical Variables and Flip-flop —————————— 8 ———————————— 3 B Binary Number System UNIT 4 A Power Semiconductor Devices —————————— 11 B Power Electronic Converters UNIT 5 A Types of DC Motors —————————————15 B Closed-loop Control of DC Drivers UNIT 6 A AC Machines ———————————————19 B Induction Motor Drive UNIT 7 A Electric Power System ————————————22 B Power System Automation PART 2 Control Theory UNIT 1 A The World of Control ————————————27 B The Transfer Function and the Laplace Transformation UNIT 2 A B —————29 Stability and the Time Response ————————— 30 ————————————— 32 Steady State————————————————— 31 UNIT 3 A The Root Locus B The Frequency Response Methods: Nyquist Diagrams ————— 33 UNIT 4 A The Frequency Response Methods: Bode Piots ————— 34 B Nonlinear Control System 37 UNIT 5 A Introduction to Modern Control Theory B UNIT 6 State Equations 40 38 A Controllability, Observability, and Stability B Optimum Control Systems UNIT 7 A Conventional and Intelligent Control B Artificial Neural Network PART 3 UNIT 1 Computer Control Technology A Computer Structure and Function B 42 43 44 Fundamentals of Computer and Networks UNIT 2 A Interfaces to External Signals and Devices B The Applications of Computers 46 UNIT 3 A PLC Overview B PACs for Industrial Control, the Future of Control 1 UNIT 4 A Fundamentals of Single-chip Microcomputer B Understanding DSP and Its Uses 49 UNIT 5 A A First Look at Embedded Systems B Embedded Systems Design PART 4 UNIT 1 Process Control A A Process Control System 50 B Fundamentals of Process Control 53 52 UNIT 2 A Sensors and Transmitters B Final Control Elements and Controllers UNIT 3 A P Controllers and PI Controllers B PID Controllers and Other Controllers UNIT 4 A Indicating Instruments B Control Panels PART 5 UNIT 1 Control Based on Network and Information A Automation Networking Application Areas B Evolution of Control System Architecture UNIT 2 A Fundamental Issues in Networked Control Systems B Stability of NCSs with Network-induced Delay UNIT 3 A Fundamentals of the Database System B Virtual Manufacturing—A Growing Trend in Automation UNIT 4 A Concepts of Computer Integrated Manufacturing B Enterprise Resources Planning and Beyond PART 6 UNIT 1 Synthetic Applications of Automatic Technology A Recent Advances and Future Trends in Electrical Machine Drivers B System Evolution in Intelligent Buildings UNIT 2 A Industrial Robot B A General Introduction to Pattern Recognition UNIT 3 A Renewable Energy B Electric Vehicles 2 UNIT 1 A

电路 电路或电网络由以某种方式连接的电阻器,电感器和电容器等元件组成。如果网络不包含能源,如电池或发电机,那么就被称作无源网络。换句话说,如果存在一个或多个能源,那么组合的结果为有源网络。在研究电网络的特性时,我们感兴趣的是确定电路中的电压和电流。因为网络由无源电路元件组成,所以必须首先定义这些元件的电特性。就电阻来说,电压-电流的关系由欧姆定律给出,欧姆定律指出:电阻两端的电压等于电阻上流过的电流乘以电阻值。在数学上表达为: u=iR (1-1A-1)式中 u=电压,伏特;i =电流,安培;R =电阻,欧姆。纯电感电压由法拉第定律定义,法拉第定律指出:电感两端的电压正比于流过电感的电流随时间的变化率。因此可得到:U=Ldi/dt 式中 di/dt =电流变化率,安培/秒; L =感应系数,享利。电容两端建立的电压正比于电容两极板上积累的电荷 q 。因为电荷的积累可表示为电荷增量 dq 的和或积分,因此得到的等式为 u=,式中电容量 C 是与电压和电荷相关的比例常数。由定义可知,电流等于电荷随时间的变化率,可表示为 i = dq/dt。因此电荷增量 dq 等于电流乘以相应的时间增量,或 dq = i dt,那么等式(1-1A-3)可写为式中 C =电容量,法拉。

PART 1 Electrical and Electronic Engineering Basics UNIT 1 A UNIT 2 A UNIT 3 A UNIT 4 A UNIT 5 A UNIT 6 A UNIT 7 A Electrical Networks ———————————— 3 B Three-phase Circuits The Operational Amplifier ——————————— 5 Logical Variables and Flip-flop —————————— 8 Power Semiconductor Devices —————————— 11 Types of DC Motors —————————————15 AC Machines ———————————————19 Electric Power System ————————————22 B Transistors B Binary Number System B Power Electronic Converters B Closed-loop Control of DC Drivers B Induction Motor Drive B Power System Automation PART 2 Control Theory UNIT 1 A B UNIT 2 A UNIT 3 A UNIT 4 A The World of Control ————————————27 Stability and the Time Response ————————— 30 The Root Locus ————————————— 32 The Transfer Function and the Laplace Transformation —————29 B Steady State————————————————— 31 B The Frequency Response Methods: Nyquist Diagrams ————— 33 The Frequency Response Methods: Bode Piots ————— 34 B Nonlinear Control System 37 UNIT 5 A Introduction to Modern Control Theory B B B PART 3 B B B State Equations Optimum Control Systems Artificial Neural Network Computer Control Technology 42 43 44 Fundamentals of Computer and Networks The Applications of Computers 46 40 38 UNIT 6 A Controllability, Observability, and Stability UNIT 7 A Conventional and Intelligent Control UNIT 1 A Computer Structure and Function UNIT 2 A Interfaces to External Signals and Devices UNIT 3 A PLC Overview PACs for Industrial Control, the Future of Control 1 UNIT 4 A Fundamentals of Single-chip Microcomputer 49 B B PART 4 B B B B PART 5 B B B B PART 6 Understanding DSP and Its Uses Embedded Systems Design Process Control 50 52 53 Fundamentals of Process Control UNIT 5 A A First Look at Embedded Systems UNIT 1 A A Process Control System UNIT 2 A Sensors and Transmitters Final Control Elements and Controllers PID Controllers and Other Controllers Control Panels Control Based on Network and Information Evolution of Control System Architecture Stability of NCSs with Network-induced Delay Virtual Manufacturing—A Growing Trend in Automation Enterprise Resources Planning and Beyond Synthetic Applications of Automatic Technology UNIT 3 A P Controllers and PI Controllers UNIT 4 A Indicating Instruments UNIT 1 A Automation Networking Application Areas UNIT 2 A Fundamental Issues in Networked Control Systems UNIT 3 A Fundamentals of the Database System UNIT 4 A Concepts of Computer Integrated Manufacturing UNIT 1 A Recent Advances and Future Trends in Electrical Machine Drivers B B B System Evolution in Intelligent Buildings A General Introduction to Pattern Recognition Electric Vehicles UNIT 2 A Industrial Robot UNIT 3 A Renewable Energy 2 UNIT 1 A

电路 电路或电网络由以某种方式连接的电阻器,电感器和电容器等元件组成。如果网络不包含能源,如电池或发电机,那么就被称作无源网络。换句话说,如果存在一个或多个能源,那么组合的结果为有源网络。在研究电网络的特性时,我们感兴趣的是确定电路中的电压和电流。因为网络由无源电路元件组成,所以必须首先定义这些元件的电特性。就电阻来说,电压-电流的关系由欧姆定律给出,欧姆定律指出:电阻两端的电压等于电阻上流过的电流乘以电阻值。在数学上表达为: u=iR (1-1A-1)式中 u=电压,伏特;i =电流,安培;R =电阻,欧姆。纯电感电压由法拉第定律定义,法拉第定律指出:电感两端的电压正比于流过电感的电流随时间的变化率。因此可得到:U=Ldi/dt 式中 di/dt =电流变化率,安培/秒; L =感应系数,享利。电容两端建立的电压正比于电容两极板上积累的电荷 q 。因为电荷的积累可表示为电荷增量 dq 的和或积分,因此得到的等式为 u=,式中电容量 C 是与电压和电荷相关的比例常数。由定义可知,电流等于电荷随时间的变化率,可表示为 i = dq/dt。因此电荷增量 dq 等于电流乘以相应的时间增量,或 dq = i dt,那么等式(1-1A-3)可写为式中 C =电容量,法拉。

Indicating the main characteristics of production technology in mail process center. Knowing in detail of the computer model and simulation method of discrete event system; investigation of computer simulation software; comparison and analysis the advantage and disdvantage of the simulation software. Modeling and simulating the package sorting production line in Xinjiang Newspapers and Periodicals Emitting Office and analyzing the simulation result. Modeling and simulating the hanging sorting -production line in Urmqi Mail Processing Center and analyzing the simulationresultProposes a simulation design method for the mail center auto product line, and made a simulation design for package emitting auto product line in Xinjiang Newspapers and Periodicals Emitting Office. Modeling a mathematical model and simulate for the construction of the sorting table of package sorting machine, and proposes a scheme of discriminatingly setting the buffers of sorting table.


In general, the design work with traditional measures is done by hand, which cannot meet the needs of the technology and manufacture. So the author has developed a CAD hydraulic design software fit for lower specific speed axial flow runner, which is easily operated by users.The main research work of this paper is as follows:1 Analyzing the main reason of axial flow power station cannot work well under littler volume of flow in some season and putting forward an improving scheme, pointing out the characters of design under abnormal factors.2 Combined with the development of the industry in our country, the abnormal hydraulic design method of propeller turbine is discussed based on present literature, data and experiment results.3 Guided by the design method of software engineering, a suit of hydraulic design software of Lower Specific Speed Axial Flow Runner is programmed by the object-oriented programming language Visual Basic and a straightforward, concise and standard Windows human-computer dialogue interface is designed for the system, which makes the operation of the system very convenient.4 ActiveX Automation technology is adopted as the interface with AutoCAD and the hydraulic drawings are edited, modified by AutoCAD until hydraulic model drawings according with the demand of engineering practice are output.5 To resolve practice problem, the author has designed a lower specific speed axial flow runner for Duowa Power Station through an example.

论文的主要内容有:1 深入分析很多轴流定桨式水电站枯水季节小流量下不能发电的主要原因,提出减容改造方案,并指出超常规条件下的改造设计特点。2 结合国情及行业发展需要,参考现有资料、文献和前人的研究成果,进行低比转速轴流式转轮叶片水力设计方法的研究,对轴流式转轮叶片的奇点分布法水力设计进行了全面的探索,结合现代计算机技术,找到了一种针对特殊条件的轴流式转轮叶片水力设计方法。3 仔细比较多种AutoCAD二次开发工具后,结合本课题的特点,选用Visual Basic语言,综合应用软件工程的设计思想,进行低比转速轴流式转轮叶片水力设计软件的编制,为系统设计了直观、简洁和标准的Windows人机对话界面,便于用户操作;编程时在考虑到设计条件特殊性的同时,尽量做到程序的通用性,使之可用于解决同一类问题;另外,大部分程序还可移植到普通轴流式转轮叶片水力设计中,具有良好的适应性。4 利用ActiveX Automation技术与AutoCAD接口,对AutoCAD进行二次开发,在AutoCAD下实现水力图的自动生成和编辑,直至输出符合实际工程要求的木模图。5 通过算例,为多哇水电站设计了一个低比转速轴流定桨式转轮,解决其在枯水期小流量下不能发电的问题。

In the designs of time, emotion has very important functions. Along with the development of computer, network, digital and electronic technologies in 1990s, non-substance designing has became a leading trend. Computer has replaced paper and pencil to become the main instrument, also the software has turned into a part of design. More important thing is the designs of physical products commence to hanker for lyric-value, advocate the designs that can arouse poetic responses and focus on the non-substance services, technique and audio-visual feeling. Design subject has already speared the evaluative trend from applied material engineering, technical science and functions of products and other physical modality and value to intangibleness such as services, technique, culture, emotion, poetry and so on.


The propositional satisfiability problem, which decides whether a given propositional formula is satisfiable, is of central importance in various areas of computer science, including theoretical computer science, algorithmics, artificial intelligence, hardware design, electronic design automation, and verification.

该命题可满足性问题,决定是否给定的命题公式是满足,是至关重要的各个领域的计算机科学,计算机科学等理论, Algorithmics公司,人工智能,硬件设计,电子设计自动化,以及核查。

Forensics:"college English class A certificate of qualification certificate of the computer level of senior drafters of the intermediate drafters of CNC lathe operator of the CNC milling machine operators GongYiYuan nc" Intern: general practice, practice, car PuXi benchwork internships, machinery, mechanical manufacturing process design of surveying and mapping, reducer, sonic experimental design, manufacture of PLC switch Major in: the nc programming and operation of CAD/CAM application technique of the application of the principle of nc MASTERCAM9.0 typical of the CNC system and electric control and application of PLC in the electrical and electronic technology ","mechanical drawing the computer drawing" of the "mechanical manufacturing technology","" the hydraulic principle and application of the technology of chip" engineering mechanics of higher mathematics in the numerical control of the secondary specialized English language C


In this paper, we put forward an idea that the concrete pump car is robotized. For some problems about booms'robotization of concrete pump car, a lot of studies are thoroughly accomplished, by means of intelligent optimization method and finite element method of model design method, robotic kinematics and dynamics theory, computer graphics, computer simulation, mechanical control technology, hydraulic control technology, and so on. This idea establishes a new development way for research, design improvement and updating of the concrete pump car.


The paper describes the implementation method of the software and hardware in detail; explains the sulphuration technology in production of rubber and how to control sulphuration machine by PLC; discusses the principle, current situation and development trend of the DCS; recommends the serial communication in industrial and how to realize it in DELPHI; analyzes the communication protocols of series of LGs MASTER-K10 PLC and on the base of which, realized the communication between upper-computer and low computer; discusses the realization flows of control system on upper-computer in detail, the software and hardware of module every design; introduces the functions and realization of query software on client computer.


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Computer Assisted Design

Plunder melds and run with this jewel!


My dream is to be a crazy growing tree and extend at the edge between the city and the forest.


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