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computer program相关的网络例句

查询词典 computer program

与 computer program 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

A computer user's instruction that calls for action by the computer's executive program.


Since the computer and the Internet popularizing people uses the information handling exchanging and spreading the various form's to come to produce the computer gradually commonly (if books commerce document newspaper and periodical gramophone record film TV program pronunciation artwork portrait wait).


Xinhua net Tianjin on January 26 report the tall hair that Spring Festival long holiday is computer virus period, program of a few baleful trojans, virus can use a net to go up the operating system that game of shopping website, network, mobile phone, email or transmission of instant communication tool affect large-scale computer user, bring pecuniary loss and needless trouble to the user.


Remote Control LAN server computer applications, the program is deployed in the LAN to another computer, you can start.


The computer aided automatic programming technique is to make use of computer to produce numerical control program so as to solve the basic contradiction of the numerical control machine's high-speed and high-efficiency and the complex, lowly efficient and the mistakable manual procedure.


You can choose computer control of the paper cutter, so if you cut once processed live parts, simply from a computer in the original program there you go, adjusting time can be saved.


Computer science a program that determines how a computer will communicate with a peripheral device.


It is a program,sometimes supplied by the computer manufacturer in read only memory,that controls the disk drive and the passing of signals and data to and from the computer.


Design : we have set up a Fire Fighting Equipment Engineering Design Research Institute , and a Fire Fighting Engineering Technology Re - search Center cooperated with 6 domestic famous universities and science and technology research institutes and experiment base etc Jiangsu Fire Fighting Products and Fireproof Material Professional Committee 15 found in our company We have class A design quali cationfor reghting engineering issued by the State Construction Department and the Ministry of Public Security There are more than 20 senior engineers , 100 engineers and 100 experienced technicians in ourcompany We have a CAD -computer - aided design network system equipped with 160 computers A large space multi-functional relaboratory center , constructed with 40000000yun investment and with total area up to 5000 square meters , has passed the acceptance test and approved by the National Quality Technology Supervisory Bureau It has more than ten kinds of international standards engineering application laboratories , such as , gas systems , water systems , marine systems , foam systems ,redetection systems , large space fire extinguishments , transformer room , tunnel , container etc A remote control and computer inspection system 15 set up in the center We have fire protection design ability for any huge construction projects We have successfUlly finished one item ofstatehigh-tech product industrialization promotion program , three state level TOrch Programs , and six state major new products programs , among which , six kinds of products have gained stafe pafents We also formare research center with six national universities to undertake hightechnical reinvestigation

研发设计:南消股份拥有国家建设部颁发的甲级消防工程设计资质,公司与国内多所著名高校建立了科技战略合作伙伴关系,并建立产学研联盟。公司技术中心是江苏省唯一省级消防工程技术中心,设有气体灭火、水灭火、泡沫灭火、工程设计、火灾报警、工艺研究等数十个专项研究室和中试基地,江苏省消防产品和防火材料专业委员会也设在本公司。公司技术中心拥有200多名经验丰富的科技人员,配备了先进CAD计算机辅助设计网络系统,已经具备承担任何大型和特大型项目的消防工程设计,完成了多项国家高新技术产品产业化推进项目、国家级火炬计划项目和国家重点新产品项目,公司的众多产品拥有自主知识产权的专利。产品制造:南消股份加工设备先进,工艺手段完善,计量设备精确,检测设施齐全。拥有产品数控加工中心、玻璃球洒水喷头装配测试线、数控机床加工生产线、数控管道切割线、油漆喷涂自动线、火灾报警产品装配、调试、检测线,以及各类性能先进的检测线。公司主要产品有:高、中压细水雾自动灭火系统;高低压CO2、IG-541、 HFC-227等各类固定气体自动灭火系统;探火管自动灭火系统;各类无管网自动灭火系统;固定式、移动式泡沫灭火系统;各类自动喷水灭火系统;各类消防水炮;各类船用消防产品;多功能救援快艇;各类火灾报警控制器;各类普通灭火器等300多个品种的系列消防产品,是中国消防行业生产品种最全,制造能力最强的企业。公司在同行业当中率先通过了ISO9001质量体系认证,船用产品形式认证,水系统产品率先通过UL认证、FM认证。

to overcome the drawbacks of csy sensor experiment platform made in hangzhou saite company which are functional singleness and monopoly used,and to improve using ratio of the experiment instrument,the standard voltage signal of the sensor experiment platform outputs to computer by the pci1711 data acquisition card,then computer implements data display and processing,thus realizing automatic checkout with signal.the hardware structure and program design under the visual basic environment are described.it has a friendly interface and can be easily operated.it has been used in experiment teaching successfully,and it has been proved a good performance.

摘 要:为了解决原有杭州赛特公司生产的csy型传感器实验台功能单一、专用性强的缺点,提高实验仪器的使用率,将传感器实验台输出的标准电压信号通过pci1711数据采集卡送入pc机进行数据显示与数据处理,从而实现信号的自动检测。主要介绍数据采集系统的硬件组成及在vb环境下数据采集系统的程序设计。该系统人机界面友好,操作简单方便,已成功应用于实验教学中,效果良好。

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The reasons of iron ions content overproof in grade Ⅱ desalting water system,such as variation water quality,contamination of regenerant , operation adjustment of pretreatment system and switching operation of bed were discussed.


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