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A further narrowing down of the terminology has been effected by Günther who formulated the term Ars subtilior to designate music of the post-Machaut generation of composers, those musicians of an International Gothic who fused the styles of France and Italy, paving the way for the simpler styles of the 15 th century.

根特尔进一步缩小术语的范围,他使用术语&Ars subtilior&来命名马肖后一代作曲家的音乐并对其进行了系统的阐述。那些融合了法国和意大利风格的具有哥特风格的音乐家们为十五世纪简约风格做了铺垫。

Mussorgsky as a "powerful group" the most talented composers, music history, he is the most daring innovators of the music in the 19th century occupies a special status.


In the conclusion chapter, there will be a sum up on the creation characteristics of Songs and Dances of Death and make a further discussion about its influence on songs composing in 20th Century for western composers.The dissertation will focus on the creation analysis of songs and combine the research on musicology, sociology, history and esthetics. It will lay emphasis on the deep research of his representative artistic songs, through which we can get the creation characteristics. It will give people more chances to make further research on Mussorgsky's creation


In classical music I always admired Mussorgsky's unorthodoxy, unpredictability and disrespect of rules, and a few other Russian composers such as Shostakovich (the second tempo of his 8th String Quartet and Chamber Symphony op.110/110a electrocuted my imagination at least as much as the beginning of his 5th Symphony must have remained stuck in Morrissey's mind, when he sampled it for 11 minutes on the opening song of his "Southpaw Grammar" album), Prokofiev (whose exceptional melodic ingeniousness influenced me, but must have pleased Sting too, as he borrowed the theme of Prokofiev's "Lieutenant Kijé" for his hit "Russians") and Mosolov (whose mid-1920s piece "Iron Foundry" is pure Prog-Rock à la Magma, Art Zoyd, Univers Zero).

古典音乐家里面我一直十分欣赏Mussorgsky的叛逆、不可预测以及他对常规的无视,还有少数俄罗斯作曲家,比如Shostakovich,(他的C小调第八弦乐四重奏作品第110号/110a的第二部分 [1]强烈激发了我的想象力,这种激发不亚于他的第五交响曲[2]的开始部分对于Morrissey[3]的影响,那段旋律令他印象如此深刻以至于他将11分钟的采样放在了他的专辑《Southpaw Grammar》中。)Prokofiev(他格外出色天才一般的旋律影响了我,但是Sting肯定也获益匪浅,因为他也在自己的热门单曲&Russians&俄罗斯人中借用了Prokofiev 的&Lieutenant Kijé&三驾马车[4]),和Mosolov[5](他创作于1920年中期的作品&Iron Foundry&是纯粹的前卫摇滚à la Magma,Art Zoyd,Univers Zero)。

Rachmaninov was one of the greatest pianist, as is proved by his recordings not only his own concertos but of other composers' music, including sonatas with the violinist Kreisler.


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It seems likely that Kraft will return with a better offer.


But he'd rather burn off my feelers and watch me squirm.


He consistance of the population dissociation coefficient method andthe sample dissociation coefficient method for the calculation of structural reliabilityin solid rocket motors was reviewed.
