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Dmitri Shostakovich is one of the most important Russian composers of the Soviet period. Being a prolific composer, he had created a great many orchestra music and opera, as well as a substantial quantity of popular film music under the pressure of the Soviet regime.

摘要 德米特里E萧斯塔可维奇为苏联时期的重要俄国作曲家之一,其作品类型广泛,曾经创作了许多大型的管弦乐曲与歌剧,为了顺应俄国政府的政策,也大量写作了脍炙人口的电影音乐。

The Roman School was a group of composers of predominantly church music in Rome, spanning the late Renaissance and early Baroque eras.


Pete Seeger is one of America s greatest folk singers and composers .


Scriabin was one of the most outstanding Russian composers in theend of 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century.


The piano sonatas, the greatest achievement among the music works of Scriabin, are the main symbol of gaining achievement in composing for the composers.


As one of the three most prominent Baroque artists, the Italian composer Giuseppe Domenico Scarlatti, with his advanced awareness of innovation, created a brand new road for the composers of later generations in the history of western keyboard music development.


In the second part, by studying the inner relationship between the special terms in Scarlatti"s works and later composers" aesthetic inclination, the author explains the significance of the continuation of cultural life and the searching of life in our todays creation.


Soon composers like Manuel de Falla and Heitor Villa-Lobos were writing music specifically for Segovia and his guitar.

不久,作曲家如曼努埃尔·德·法利亚和魏拉·罗伯士(Heitor Villa-Lobos)专门为塞戈维亚和他的吉他谱曲。

From the late nineteenth to the early twentieth century, Isaac Alb?niz, Enrique Granados, Manuel de Falla and other Nationalistic composers fused their works with characteristics such as Flamenco, Cante jondo, together with guitar skills. Furthermore, with the influence of the French music, the Spanish music went into its' most magnificent golden period.


He was introduced to some of the foremost pianists of the day, including Friedrich Kalkbrenner, Ferdinand Hiller and Franz Liszt, and he formed personal friendships with composers Hector Berlioz, Felix Mendelssohn, Charles-Valentin Alkan and Vincenzo Bellini (beside whom he is buried at the Père Lachaise Cemetery).

他被介绍给当时最重要的钢琴家,包括Friedrich Kalkbrenner、Ferdinand Hiller以及弗朗兹李斯特,他与作曲家埃克托尔柏辽兹、费利克斯门德尔松、阿尔堪、以及贝里尼(在拉雪兹神父公墓,肖邦葬在他的旁边)都是好朋友。

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It seems likely that Kraft will return with a better offer.


But he'd rather burn off my feelers and watch me squirm.


He consistance of the population dissociation coefficient method andthe sample dissociation coefficient method for the calculation of structural reliabilityin solid rocket motors was reviewed.
