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She was the daughter of Giulio Caccini , and was one of the best-known and most influential female European composers between Hildegard of Bingen in the 12th century and the 19th century.


The seeds of the Classical age were sown by a number of composers whose names are now largely forgotten such as Schobert and Honnauer (both Germans largely active in Paris), as well as more historically respected names, including Gluck, Boccherini and at least three of Johann Sebastian Bach's sons: Carl Phillip Emmanuel, Wilhelm Friedmann and Johann Christian (the so-called 'London' Bach).

种子的古典时代播下了由多个作曲家的名字,现在基本上被遗忘,如朔贝特和honnauer (均德国人,主要活跃于巴黎),以及更尊重历史地名,包括格鲁克, boccherini和至少3名约翰塞巴斯蒂安巴赫的儿子:卡尔菲利普灵光,威廉弗里德曼和约翰基督教。

Buxtehude, along with Heinrich Schütz , is considered today to be one of the most important German composers of the mid-Baroque.


Getting interviews with Western film composers is hard enough let alone trying a Japanese animé composer.


Of the early Romantic composers, two Nationalists deserve special mention, the Russian Glinka and the Bohemian Smetana (composer of the popular symphonic poem Vltava or 'The Moldau').

对早期浪漫主义作曲家,两个民族主义者特别值得一提,俄罗斯葛令卡( russlan和ludmilla名利)和波希米亚美塔纳(作曲家一项十分受欢迎的交响诗尔塔瓦或

Ralph Vaughan Williams (1872-1958) is one of the most important English composers from late 19th century to early 20th century, whose works include art songs, choral music, chamber music, symphonies and movie music.

冯威廉斯(Ralph Vaughan Williams, 1872 - 1958)是十九世纪末至二十世纪中期英国作曲家,作品数量及种类繁多,从歌曲、合唱音乐、室内乐、交响乐到电影音乐都有涉略,是英国最重要的作曲家之一。

A revival of England's musical status began during the 20th century with the prominence of composers such as Edward Elgar, Gustav Holst, William Walton, Eric Coates, Ralph Vaughan Williams, Frederick Delius and Benjamin Britten.


It was a rare honor because Toscanini was known to avoid contemporary music and music by American composers.


Along with the popularity of the free bass accordion, the keyboard music work written by Rameau and Couperin, baroque composers, are paid more and more attention.


Based on his four volumes of collection of his clavichord music works and CD reference materials, the author focuses the study on the structure, titles, ornaments of the music pieces, in an attempt to analyze the characteristics of Francois Couperin' s clavichord works and to shed light on the significance of the clavichord master' s style in enlightening the later music composers.


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It seems likely that Kraft will return with a better offer.


But he'd rather burn off my feelers and watch me squirm.


He consistance of the population dissociation coefficient method andthe sample dissociation coefficient method for the calculation of structural reliabilityin solid rocket motors was reviewed.
