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The brief but intense flowering of the musical madrigal in England, mostly from 1588 to 1627, along with the composers who produced them , is known as the English Madrigal School.

英格兰牧歌短暂而极端的繁荣很有可能发生在1588到1627年间,创作这些作品的作曲家被称为English Madrigal School。

Having always been drawn to the great Latin texts that have inspired so many great composers before him, State of Grace II: Turning To Peace is based on two Latin texts: the Magnificat and the Stabat Mater.

一如众多深受伟大的拉丁圣经而激发创作灵感的前辈作曲家那样,State of Grace II《Turning To Peace》的立意是基於两课拉丁圣经:"圣母玛利亚颂"与"圣母悼歌"。

The scientific and reasonable usage of fingering will not only enhance the efficiency of study, the memory of notes and the mellifluence of performance, but also benefit the prompt, precise and accurate interpretation of the composers' works, which paves the way for the accomplishment of performance.


The great composers Mendelssohn and Mozart all died at a very young age.


In more recent times, composers add or substitute metronome marks.


Ohnson, a serious musician more experienced than most classical composers with jazz, blues, spirituals, and popular music, was particularly suited to expand Milhaud's and Gershwin's experiments. In 1927 he completed his first large-scale work, the blues- and jazz-inspired Yamekraw, which included borrowings from spirituals and Johnson's own popular songs.

,一个比到多数传统音乐作曲家在爵士,蓝调,灵歌和流行音乐上更有经验的严肃的作曲家,各加适合去扩张 M 和 G 的实验。1927年他完成了他第一个大规模的工作,受蓝调和爵士启发的 Yamekraw , Yamekraw 包含了灵歌和 J 自己拥有的流行歌曲。

Maurice Ravel, Igor Stravinsky, Paul Hindemith, Sergei Prokofiev and Béla Bartók are usually listed as the most important composers in this mode, but also the prolific Darius Milhaud and his contemporary Francis Poulenc.


Active in contemporary music since studying at Mills College, California,with composers Darius Milhaud,Leon kirchner,and Leon Kirchner,and Lawrence Moss, she also holds graduate degrees in musicology form Columbia University.


The Miserere is one of the most often-recorded examples of late Renaissance music, although it was actually written during the chronological confines of the Baroque era; in this regard it is representative of the music of the Roman School of composers, who were stylistically conservative.


His treatise Prima parte de' discorsi e regole sovra la musica (1649-1650) is an important source of information on contemporary composers and the rise of monody and opera .


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It seems likely that Kraft will return with a better offer.


But he'd rather burn off my feelers and watch me squirm.


He consistance of the population dissociation coefficient method andthe sample dissociation coefficient method for the calculation of structural reliabilityin solid rocket motors was reviewed.
