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与 components 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Thus the topological invariants, including dimension, the number of separates, type of components, and sequence of components, are introduced for detailed classifications of topological relations.


It includes: The high frequency components and the low frequency components of EEG data are filtered by FFT, The correlation dimension is calculated primarily to replace the original topological dimension.


The two components were measured by excitation-emission matrix fluospectroscopy both in simulated and real system. The results of measured data, which were resolved by alternating trilinear decomposition method . It was shown that it was feasible and simple method in the determination of two main components in the complex cortex fraxini without pretreatment and separation.


The binary compounds, trinary compounds, four components compounds and full components compounds were also able to elicit higher EAG response, which were significantly higher than that of single component.


Twenty-odd years in the development process of the electronic components in our procurement, sales and service on the accumulated wealth of experience, and many internationally renowned supplier of electronic components to establish and maintain a good relationship, I Division has its own logistics Center, and established a global presence on four continents of the procurement and distribution network can provide our customers with 24 hours non-stop, global spot market within the scope of the emergency procurement services.


The shapes, occurences, rock types, mineral components and Petrochemical components of three ultrabasic rock groups all have different characteristics and show certain regularities. K-Ar and Sin-Nd iso...


In the first section of the tutorial, you use a predefined skeletal model, consisting of unconsumed sketches, to determine the placement and extent of frame components, such as square tubing and c-channel, and then fit those components together with miters and cuts.

在自学课程的第一节,您将使用由未消耗的草图构成的预先定义的骨架模型,来确定框架元件(如方形细配管和 C 形凹槽)的置放和实际范围,然后使这些元件与斜接和切割配合在一起。

Common fault components and differential fault components are introduced into the algorithm to uncouple mutual electromagnetic coupling effect between two parallel circuits.


When two elastic components are connected at one point, it is sufficient to know the undamped impedence data of two connected components at the junction point ( determined by measurement or calculation).


The whole column is placed in a thermostatically controlled heating jacket. A volatile sample is introduced into the column using a syringe, and an unreactive carrier gas, such as nitrogen, passed through it. The components of the sample will be carried along in this mobile phase. However, some of the components will cling more readily to the stationary phase than others, either because they become attached to the solid surface or because they dissolve in the liquid.


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And if officials on the take are not parroting the opinions of these companies, what can we suppose the money they receive is for?


Love them, and love you too, Pitcher.


He was sent away to the island of Scyros,where he fell into sea from a cliff.
