英语人>网络例句>compliment 相关的网络例句

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与 compliment 相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The Chargers figured he would be an excellent target for Brees, and a good compliment to LaDainian.

该充电器揣摩他将是一个极好的目标brees ,有良好的恭维,以ladainian 。

And the scents I used don't compliment each other. Eucalyptus and chamomile?


Caparis + flats compliment cute claves

平底鞋 +七分裤,可爱的诠释

Her second album Mes Courants lectriques was not only sold over 1,000,000 and got big compliment from AMG that Alizée has fascinating and sexy voice, at the same time she protrayed these songs well.

第二张大碟《Mes Courants Electriques》,不仅全球开出百万销售红盘,更获AMG大力赞誉「…艾莉婕有著令人晕眩、性感的嗓音,同时将这些歌曲诠释的相当得宜

The nursery dressers made of wood should compliment the furniture in the room quite handsomely.


On the way, By giving the example as the names of the thing (such as silk silks etc.) with color and the basic colorific phrase associated with it, this text demonstrated a fact that the basic colorific phrases were evolved from the names of the thing that include the color, under the function of the come from the method that is borrowing the thing assumes the color, and expatiated the condition of the basic colorific phrase in Chinese language. Take the synthesize colorific phrase implied compliment or dispraiser as an example, explained the imagism of Chinese thought method how to influence the synthesize the colorific phrase, and do it by taking the food, metals and nature scenery makes the ratio at other Chinese thought method that is take shape to analogy as too. It expatiated the influence that the Han ethnologic culture result in the acceptation of the colorific phrase, pass on analyze the diverse the diverse metaphor meanings of colorific phrase and the opposite phenomenon of acceptation among them of, and the colorific etyma metaphor of "yellow","vermilion","purple","blue","green" and "white", under the premise that distinct the different between themetaphor meanings of colorific phrase and colorific etyma metaphor.


On June 11, pledge in the Italian woman of Afghan get-off bank of graceful · of Clay door the base of a fruit asks the priestess wave to people in the home that reachs Milan with parents present one's compliment.


You need to tell him to stop talking about other women who are "hotties," and you need to tell him he needs to compliment you and be affectionate without it having to lead to sex.


Everybody kikes a compliment.


Or is it a kitschy cool compliment?


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Compliment Your Soul

We are in a real jam.


Hey, it's Ahmet from India, that foreign exchange guy.


Because you can make victims of a hypothetical, what is there for not matter.
